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So that the holidays do not go to waste, know 5 ways to prevent colds and coughs

Surabaya (beritajatim.com) – The end of year holidays are coming, but lately many people have caught a cold or cough.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 5 to 20 percent of adults contract the flu each year, and the average occurs during the winter.

Of course this will cut short your vacation, so your vacation plans don’t fall apart. Let’s find out how to prevent colds and coughs during the holidays.

1. Keep clean when traveling
The most important thing when traveling is to maintain cleanliness, just like when you go to eat you need to wash your hands first. Also, don’t forget to always carry wet wipes with you and clean the surfaces of the objects you will touch.

Not only that, you also need to keep your distance from people who look sick, such as coughing or sneezing. Because if you travel by public transport you will meet tons of people.

2. Take care of your diet
Also, maintain your immune system by eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fats is also recommended to ward off inflammation affecting the internal organs of the body.

This is so that you are not susceptible to illnesses, including colds and coughs. That way, your vacation plans can fit.

3. Avoid stress
The body’s immune system will weaken when stress occurs. If this happens, you will be more susceptible to viral infections, including coughs and colds. Find ways to avoid or relieve stress with activities that make you happy.

4. Get enough rest
Lack of sleep will make your body tired and easily stressed. Not only that, people who don’t get enough sleep are also more at risk of illness.

From research findings, the body functions optimally when humans sleep consistently for 7-9 hours.

So getting enough sleep can keep you healthy, so that when you go on vacation your body is in good shape. Likewise, when you’re on vacation, try to give your body enough rest to be fit the next day.

5. Stay active
To avoid getting sick, you need to stay active. You can play sports or get enough physical activity. However, don’t overdo it, as it can lower the body’s immune response.

Even if you have followed some of the tips above, you also need to bring the necessary vitamins and medicines while on vacation. (frs/ian)

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