Home » today » Business » Sneue Asscher does not dare to enter the next cabinet without GroenLinks or SP – De Daily Standaard

Sneue Asscher does not dare to enter the next cabinet without GroenLinks or SP – De Daily Standaard

The PvdA only wants to co-govern in the next cabinet if GroenLinks, the SP or both parties are also in the coalition. This was announced by PvdA party leader Lodewijk Asscher after the presentation of the draft election program in Heerenveen. Like it there now stands for He cannot ignore the VVD and is afraid of another punishment.

The PvdA is playing up these elections safe. The VVD is doing very well in the polls and the most logical choices for that party to form a coalition with are like a house of cards collapsing. The CDA is crumbling, D66 is perishing to its own virtues and the ChristenUnie remains relatively small. So if the VVD wants to govern, it will have to be about the left, because the PVV and Forum are of course not done.

And then we will almost certainly end up with GroenLinks or the PvdA, because the SP cannot sell government participation with the VVD to its own supporters, let alone offer that party a counterbalance and thus prevent the same punishment (a ‘PvdA’). And with that in mind, Asscher now offers his party, subject to conditions.

But it really shows a tremendous weakness and insecurity if you only want to co-rule when another party goes with you. Asscher only wants to have that with us to offer more counterweight. And as a lightning rod when things go wrong, so that in the worst case not the PvdA the only one goes down again. What is the VVD still paying attention to simply ignoring the PvdA? If you look at that party’s draft election program, that’s the best thing for the VVD to do anyway.

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