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Signs and Symptoms of Bone Fractures: Expert Advice from Dr. Abdel Rahman Asfour

Written by Marwa Mahmoud Elias Sunday, December 24, 2023 10:00 PM

A person may suffer a fracture suddenly, and we are then confused by the severe pain as to whether it is a fracture, pain, or just regular inflammation, and other possibilities.

In this context, Dr. Abdel Rahman Asfour, Senior Consultant in Hand and Burn Surgery and First Aid at Cairo University Health Insurance Hospitals, explained a group of the most prominent clear signs and symptoms that may largely indicate that the person has suffered bone fractures, which requires quick medical consultation or transportation of the patient and not Neglecting treatment and dealing with the fracture to prevent complications and problems that may affect the body or bone.

Dr. Abdul Rahman explained that Fracture It is a group of cracks in the bones or a single crack, where any bone in the body may break as a result of a collision or collision, or exposure to an accident or fall, or exposure to force, beating, and many other causes and accidents.

However, symptoms vary from one person to another according to the strength of the fracture and according to the nature of the accident to which he was exposed, which caused this problem. Therefore, these symptoms may appear either together or individually, but the most common of them all are:

Severe pain in and around the fracture site, and the closer it is to the place where the collision occurred, the pain becomes unbearable.

If the fracture occurs in a limb, when you compare it to the healthy limb, you will find a change in its shape, size, color, or movement.

Movement of the affected area becomes problematic, and the patient cannot move it easily, especially if it is a limb, and he cannot bear to touch it

In some cases, the skin color in the affected area may change to red.

Very noticeable swelling and swelling may occur at the site of the fracture.

In the case of some cases of fracture, the injured person may hear a sound when the bone breaks, which is one of the clear and definitive symptoms and signs of the fracture.

Here, Dr. Abdel Rahman advises the necessity of transporting the injured person directly to the hospital, or calling an ambulance to transport him properly and seeking specialized medical assistance to treat this condition.

2023-12-24 20:00:00

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