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Signs and risks of deficiency of water and vitamin D in your body

All the advice to follow a healthy lifestyle on one side, and the advice to keep the body always hydrated by drinking water on another side, because water is one of the basics of survival, “because every cell in the body needs it to function properly, and because of its importance to get rid of the toxins that we breathe and eat every day “.

This is what Dr. Zak Bosch, an endocrinologist, says. And since a person gets about 20% of his water needs from food, women should drink about 9 cups, compared to men drinking 12.5 cups of water a day, according to Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

The same goes for vitamin D, or the “sunshine vitamin,” which is a group of hormones that come from eating certain foods or from exposure to the sun. It plays many roles in maintaining good health, and its deficiency can cause some serious diseases. According For the Hormonal Health Network.

Therefore, it is important to know the effect of deficiency of these two elements on our bodies, especially during quarantine.

The effects of dehydration on your body

Dehydration may affect your brain by lowering mood and cognitive performance, she revealed Review “Only 2% is dry, which is sufficient to affect tasks that require attention and memory skills,” and its predecessor a study, Showed that “even mild dehydration can cause mood disturbances.”

Dehydration also reduces levels of minerals such as potassium and sodium that help transmit electrical signals between cells, which may cause involuntary muscle twitching attacks. According to the site Mayo Clinic.

Dr. Zach Bush said, “The kidneys are able to transport up to 55 gallons of fluid per day, and they are the main filter for your blood from toxins, and without enough fluids they cannot do the job.” In this case, your cells send a signal to an area in the brain that releases the antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which makes the urine less bulk and darker and more concentrated.

If you suffer from dehydration constantly over long periods of time, “this puts you at risk of developing kidney disease.” according to National Kidney Foundation.

Also, your body needs fluids to make blood, and blood volume decreases as fluid levels decrease. Says Julie Stefansky Dietician, “We need enough fluids inside the body to maintain proper blood pressure,” as dehydration can lead to low blood pressure and thus fatigue or fainting. Rather, it may cause the heart “to be unable to pump enough blood around the body, which could lead to organ failure,” according to his library American National Medicine.

Your intestine also needs adequate hydration to function properly. Water is essential for bowel health and for the movement of waste into the digestive system. Without regular fluid intake, bowel movements can be difficult, says Stefansky, and dehydration can damage the lining of the intestinal mucosa.

As for your skin, which is “the largest organ in the immune system, acting as a barrier against germs,” ​​according to Stefansky, consuming less fluids can cause chapped lips, dry skin and lead to disease.

The lack of water also reduces the production of saliva and the accumulation of bacteria on the tongue, teeth and gums, which leads to many health problems in the mouth.

Our Bodies and Vitamin D

Vitamin D is naturally found in cheese, milk, orange juice, grains, beef, liver, egg yolks, and fatty fish, depending on USDA. Its deficiency affects the entire body, from the immune system to the skin.

It has shown Search It was published in early 2020, that “vitamin D reduces viral infections by enhancing the body’s immune response,” so it was observed that people who suffer from a deficiency of it often develop coughs and colds. According to the college Harvard For general health.

Vitamin D helps the body at all ages to absorb calcium, and its deficiency causes rickets in youth and osteoporosis with age.

Also, the researchers note that vitamin D deficiency is linked to decreased muscle mass, which may cause falls and fractures in size. According to research that showed, “It is not a requirement that manufactured vitamin D supplements guarantee you stronger muscles, as some athletes benefit from them, but not others.”

Research has also confirmed that people with rheumatoid arthritis suffer from a deficiency of this vitamin, according to a review in the Journal of Natural Sciences, Biology and Medicine.

Vitamin D deficiency may affect the health of your skin as well, causing Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis, and exacerbating symptoms of severe acne.

According to a study, it was observed that people suffering from vitamin D deficiency and who were afflicted with acne “showed improvement after taking a vitamin D supplement at a rate of 1000 units per day for two months.” At the time, an analysis showed that “low levels of vitamin D in people with acne increased the size of the sebaceous glands in the skin.”

According to Dr. Vishal Shah of Thrifa Medical Center in London, “Vitamin D deficiency causes fatigue, delayed wound healing, depression, heart disease, asthma in children, and some types of cancer.”

Vitamin D is also associated with brain health, especially early in life a studyIt also helps regulate the functioning of the intestine, according to research published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences.

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