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Shaken Greta reflects on family’s doubts: How to prove them wrong?

March 15, 2024

Still shaken by her meeting with her mother, Greta reflects on what her family thinks of her

The meeting with her mother had a notable impact on Greta who, plagued by a thousand doubts, does nothing but ruminate on what happened. She fears that she has disappointed them and, at the same time, she doesn’t understand why they should never trust her.

“No one believes in me” she comments dejectedly. Nobody values ​​her potential, nobody believes she can do it alone. The path she took in her house was aimed at making her family change their minds, but she realizes that she didn’t succeed. She knows they aren’t believing in her and her strength.

“I know I’m a fantastic person, but at the same time, only I know it and no one else” says Greta to Sergio, struck by a deep sadness.

Sergio tries to console her but can do nothing against her melancholy: what must he do to make them proud and proud?

Alessio, like a good coach, approaches the girl and gives her a motivational speech.

“Don’t let others influence you” he tells her, encouraging her to believe in herself and her dreams. There’s no point in getting paranoid, when Greta comes out she will introduce Sergio to her family and she will solve everything.

For now all she can do is enjoy the last few days, without letting melancholy ruin her mood. Through football metaphors, she invites her friend to persevere with her, not caring about failures.

“You have to believe in what you do, without being conditioned” concludes Alessio. Greta looks at him gratefully. As a motivator it’s not bad at all!

2024-03-15 16:54:50

#Greta #Rossetti #believes #Big #Brother

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