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Security Measures in the Kyiv Region: Security Measures, Statistics, and What’s Next

Security measures in the Kyiv region continued, and almost 74 thousand people were checked at checkpoints.

In the Kyiv region, the period for carrying out counter-sabotage and security measures, which lasted from December 28 to January 6. During this period, checkpoints were established in the region, where the military, together with law enforcement officers, checked suspicious vehicles and documents from citizens.

The specified period for carrying out counter-sabotage measures has expired, but the checkpoints remain in place, which raises many questions among local residents.

Therefore, the TSN.ua website asked the lieutenant colonel Ruslana Oleynikcommandant of the Kyiv region, what are the results of the events, how many violators were identified and how long will the checkpoints that were installed during the events remain.

– Tell us, how extensive were the security measures in the Kiev region?

– To counter-sabotage measures on the territory of the Kyiv region, which continued from December 28 to January 6 was additionally attracted almost 900 people. These are employees of the GU NP, the GU SBU of the Kyiv region, military personnel of the Commandant’s Office of the Kyiv region, as well as military personnel of the 114th OBR TrO. Was formed 139 outfitswho were on duty at stationary and mobile checkpoints. Also worked 40 search groups.

Let me remind you that the purpose of these measures is to identify and prevent the movement of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, extremists, terrorists, wanted persons, smuggling of weapons, ammunition and explosives.

– How many vehicles and citizens were checked during this time?

– As a result of the activities carried out by the personnel of the involved units, almost 74 thousand peopleand vehicles – more 27 thousand. This is a large number. In addition, it has been identified and documented 39 criminal offenses. Among them: illegal circulation of weapons, illegal circulation of drugs; providing an undue benefit to a police officer; forgery of documents; violation of radiation safety requirements; illegal extraction of natural resources.

– Quite a lot. The events were held during the New Year holidays. So there were probably drunk drivers too?

– Yes, it was compiled 3.4 thousand administrative materialsof which driving while intoxicated – more than 180. There have been cases when drunk drivers even tried to bribe law enforcement officers at checkpoints. This, of course, did not pass and the individuals were brought to justice.

– The appearance of checkpoints in the Kyiv region alerted residents about serving summonses on them. Tell us, did the TCC and SP employees really detect persons evading mobilization and hand out summonses to them?

– As for the work of TCC employees, I can say that they have their own management, which defines their goals and objectives. But I still want to note that as part of security measures discovered a certain number of people who actually evaded mobilization. Next, TCC and JV specialists will work with them.

“Many people are interested in the fact that the specified date for holding the events has already passed, but the checkpoints continue to work. What is this connected with?

– The activities carried out showed very good results and effectiveness, as evidenced by the statistics above. The operation of checkpoints is a common occurrence in wartime and they continue to perform security tasks.

– How long will the checkpoints theoretically last? Are there plans to increase their number?

– As for increasing the number of checkpoints, there were no such orders or instructions. On the contrary, checkpoints are now being inspected and their effectiveness in certain areas is being analyzed.

In general, employees and military personnel who are involved in work at checkpoints will perform their functions, as they did in previous weeks – to identify suspicious persons and vehicles, and take care of the safety of residents of the Kiev region.

Previously, the TSN.ua website reported whether there would be a massive distribution of summonses at checkpoints: an explanation by the commandant of the Kyiv region.

Read also:

Checkpoints in Kyiv and the region: what threat are they associated with and will they issue summonses there?

Summons at temporary checkpoints in Kyiv: can they be issued there – explanation of the KGVA

The commandant of the Kyiv region explained the emergence of new checkpoints




2024-01-11 23:04:11

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