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Scientists Announce New Species of Early Man

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – ivory betel or pothos is one of the popular ornamental plants that are widely used as collections by homeowners. These ornamental vines are not only easy to care for, but also decorative, so they can beautify your room or home page.

Quoted from spruce, Wednesday (11/3/2021), wrong or various ivory betel the most popular and interesting is neon ivory betel or Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’. Native to the tropical Solomon Islands, this stunning variety is characterized by heart-shaped neon green leaves and a creeping habit.

One of the advantages of neon ivory betel is that it is relatively easy to maintain. So, this plant is good for beginners or those who are not very good at caring for plants.

Also read: How to Take Care of Ivory Betel Indoors

However, like other varieties of ivory betel, all parts of neon pothos are considered toxic to cats, dogs and humans if ingested.

This ivory betel with brightly colored leaves is low maintenance and easy to care for. This plant can adapt to a wide range of lighting conditions, and while it likes regular watering, neon ivory betel will bounce back easily if you forget to water it occasionally.

When grown indoors, neon ivory betel can grow vines up to 3 meters long. So while pruning is not necessary for these tropical vines, you may need to prune the plant occasionally to keep its size under control.

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Here’s how to take care of it ivory betel plant neon.

Also read: 5 Ivory Betel Leaf Problems and How to Overcome Them

1. Lighting

Neon ivory betel It grows naturally as a plant on the forest surface and can adapt to various partial lighting conditions. Therefore, bright indirect light is best for keeping the leaves alive and avoiding leggy growth.

2. Land

Overall, neon ivory betel is not picky when it comes to soil as long as the soil is loam, and moist, but also has good drainage. Standard ornamental plant growing media work well for these plants.

Alternatively, you can create a growing medium by combining one part ornamental plant media, one part perlite, and one part orchid bark for a thick organic soil mixture that neon ivory betel will love.

4. Air

Allow the top of the plant, which is about 2 to 3 inches of soil to dry between waterings and then water it thoroughly. Fluorescent ivory betel is susceptible to root rot if the roots are left submerged in water.

SHUTTERSTOCK/AMELIA MARTIN Illustration of neon ivory betel ornamental plant.

Therefore, always make sure your plant is in a pot with adequate drainage to ensure that the roots are not waterlogged.

5. Temperature and humidity

In its native environment, neon ivory betel grows in warm and humid temperatures which make it very suitable for growing indoors as an ornamental plant. As long as the temperature is 15 to 35 degrees Celsius, neon ivory betel will please.

Average humidity indoors is also sufficient for this type of ivory betel, although providing extra humidity by installing a humidifier or gravel tray will encourage sturdier growth.

Also read: How to Take Care of Satin Ivory Betel Ornamental Plants, Suitable For Indoor

6. Fertilizer

Fertilizer is not a must for ivory betel plants, especially if the soil is rich in organic matter. However, regular fertilization during periods of active growth can help promote strong and healthy growth.

If you want, you can apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month.

7. Multiply the neon ivory betel

Like other varieties of pothos, neon ivory betel is easily propagated by stem cuttings. This is a great way to reuse cuttings you picked up during pruning, and can help create fuller looking plants by replanting the cuttings in their original pots.

You can also use the cuttings to make new plants to share with friends. Here’s how to reproduce neon ivory betel plants.

Also read: 10 Types of Betel Ivory that are Suitable to Be Placed in the Room

First, take stem cuttings from established plants that have at least 4-5 nodes each. Remove 2-3 lower leaves from each cut, leaving at least two leaves at the top of each cut.

Fill a glass or small jar with water and dip the cuttings into the water. Make sure that the exposed bottom of the cut is submerged while the leaves remain above the water.

Place the cuttings in a location that receives moderate to bright indirect light, and change the water once a week to ensure they stay fresh.

Roots will begin to form in about a week. Once the roots are at least an inch long, the cuttings can be transplanted back into the ground.

Also read: Betel Ivory is Poisonous for Dogs and Cats, Here’s the Explanation

Remove the steak from the water and carefully insert into the well-moistened and well-drained soil mixture. Place the freshly picked steak back in the same location.

Keep the soil moist for the first one to two weeks after repotting to help the roots acclimate to the soil. After about two weeks, a regular watering schedule can be resumed for the cuttings.

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