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Schubert: Omar Al-Somah Al-Ahly upcoming deal

The media, Ahmed Schubert, revealed that the Syrian Omar Al-Soma, the star of Al-Ahly in Saudi Arabia, is the second winter deal for Al-Ahly, and Schubert said during his radio program, “Al-Ahly reopened the negotiation file with Omar Al-Soma, the player of Syria national team and Al-Ahly in Saudi Arabia during the past few hours, to top the list of nominations.” To support the Red Genie attack line in the Mercato Winter“.

Al-Ahly is looking for an attacker after the attacking duo Marwan Mohsen and Walid Azzaro’s level fell. Marwan Mohsen in the range of cash shares In light of his decline with the Red Fort, the international striker has only scored 13 goals since joining the Red Fort and over 1247 days..

Continuous sessions and successive meetings held by the management of the Al-Ahly Club to discuss a number of important football files, the foremost of which is the winter deals file according to the vision of the Swiss technical manager Rene Filer, the team does not have many options either in terms of players available to negotiate with them or the number of deals that he intends to contract with Because the Football Association refused to increase the number of players in the replacement, so there are meetings to produce the best results in the winter deals.

Al-Ahly has the right to sign 2 players only by exploiting the substitution clause, as any team in the league is entitled to replace 5 players throughout the season, Al-Ahly used 3 of them at the beginning of the season, to become obliged to contract with 2 players only.

Al-Ahly has succeeded so far formally in the inclusion of Mahmoud Abdel Moneim Kahraba, the star of our national team, in a free transfer deal, after the player’s contract with Avish, the Portuguese, was canceled, to become the first red deals in the winter.

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