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Scarlet Nexus reveals gameplay and details in its new development diary

Scarlet Nexus details one of the most important factors within its universe

We are getting closer and closer to the launch of Scarlet Nexus, the most recent project of those responsible for the IP Tales Of. However, as a measure to liven up the wait, Bandai Namco has released several updates on the development of the game in the form of diaries. And today one more of them arrives, this time focused on the mysterious organization OSF.

Name Other Supression Force (OSF) is quite an important one for the game world, since they are the Special Forces charged with eliminating threats from the earth. During the course of the video, it is mentioned that they are a gigantic organization, since they are used to recruiting new members annually for more than 567 years.

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An important fact is that each agent in the organization is capable of using only one can, so teamwork is a priority to create more powerful attacks. Because of this, the members of OSF communicate through red wires that connect their brains to fight more efficiently against our enemies, the Others.

However, the use of these amazing powers requires a great deal of mental wear. That is why the members of the OSF organization are used to taking some drugs that delay the general aging from his body. Because of this, youth is somewhat relative in Scarlet Nexus, since many members do not appear their true ages.

Unfortunately, Scarlet Nexus At the moment it does not have a specific release date. However, we know that it will arrive during the 3rd quarter of this same year. It will be available for the PS4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and PC platforms.

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