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San Marino at Eurovision 2024 – what was the performance of the representative of the country Megara

In the second semi-final of “Eurovision-2024”, which took place on May 9 in Malmö, the representative of San Marino performed on stage singer Megara. She surprised the audience with an extravagant image, and she was also surrounded by mysterious creatures.

The performer sang against the background of a huge screen, where a whimsical black and pink forest could be seen. The artist herself appeared in a pink fur coat and a dress with an element of a dinosaur’s spine. During the performance, “skeletons” in pink fur boots constantly danced around her, and “death” performed on the guitar, whose costume consisted of elements of a zebra. theLime hosted a text-based online broadcast of a large-scale music event.

Read also: What surprised the participants in the second semi-final of “Eurovision-2024”: video of the best performances.

All this stage performance was highlighted by a bright light show, smoke and fire. During the performance of the number, Megara took off her dress and fur coat and spectacularly let down her pink hair. She was left with only a latex bodysuit and a portupeia.

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With her performance with “skeleton dancers” and a daring image, the representative of San Marino animated the audience and said “hello” to the freaks. Fans were delighted with what they heard and saw, and thanked the artist with stormy emotions.

By the way, San Marino failed to make it to the grand final of the competition, which will take place this Saturday, and 6 other countries also failed to get to the next stage of the show. Read more about the results of the audience voting in the second semi-final here.

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