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Samsung Galaxy Watch Receives FDA Approval for Sleep Apnea Detection Feature

FDA Approves New Sleep Apnea Detection Feature for Samsung Galaxy Watch

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given authorization for a sleep apnea detection feature on the Samsung Galaxy Watch. This clearance allows the Samsung Health Monitor app to introduce an upcoming software update for U.S. users. The update, scheduled for the third quarter of this year, will enable sleep apnea detection on the Galaxy Watch for the American market.

Recognition From South Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety

In the autumn of last year, South Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety approved the use of wearable devices, such as the Samsung Galaxy Watch, to identify breathing interruptions commonly associated with sleep disorders. The forthcoming update to the Samsung Health Monitor app will initially roll out in South Korea itself, building on the country’s regulatory support for sleep apnea detection.

Monitoring Sleep for In-Depth Analysis

Since the feature’s activation requires accurate data, users will need to wear their Samsung Galaxy Watch during sleep. Specifically, users will have to monitor their sleep at least twice, for a minimum of four hours each time, within a 10-day period. The Galaxy Watch, a popular smartwatch choice, is capable of monitoring the wearer’s blood oxygen levels throughout the night. A significant drop in blood oxygen levels is often an indicator of sleep apnea and other related sleep disorders.

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Sleep Apnea and Its Types

Sleep apnea, a sleep disorder, is characterized by repetitive breathing interruptions during sleep. These interruptions can be attributed to central sleep apnea, which occurs when the brain fails to send signals to the breathing muscles, or obstructive sleep apnea, where the air passage is obstructed by throat muscles, restricting the airflow into the lungs.

More information on sleep apnea

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