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Russian paratroopers land in Kharkiv – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Russian airborne forces strengthen the country in Kharkiv, and attacked a hospital. It wrote the Ukrainian army on the messaging service Telegram at 01.36 last night.

Kharkiv is Ukraine’s second largest city and has been under attack since the invasion began last Thursday.

The Ukrainian army writes that “there are fighting between the invading forces and the Ukrainians”.

According to the Ukrainian military, the attack took place at the same time as a plane alarm went off in the city. The information is not confirmed by independent sources.

Kharkiv region police chief Volodymyr Tymoshko told reporters that no Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the shootout, reports BBC.

– The situation near the hospital is currently under control and security has been strengthened, he said according to Ukrainian media.

Anton Gerashchenko, spokesman for the Ukrainian Interior Minister, says that the barracks of a flight school in the city are on fire on Wednesday morning after an air raid.

– There are almost no areas left in Kharkiv that have not been hit by grenades, he writes on Telegram according to AFP.

Seems to have taken over Kherson

At the same time, it appears that Russian forces have captured the city of Kherson, writes CNN.

The Russians have surrounded the city in southern Ukraine since Sunday and launched an attack on Tuesday.

Photos and videos verified by CNN now show Russian military vehicles in the center of the city.

Among other things, you see Russian vehicles on Svobody Square, where the building that houses Kherson’s regional administration is located.

The mayor of Kherson, Igor Kolyhav, says Kyiv Independent that Russian troops have taken control of the railway station and the port of the city.


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The Ukrainian army says the country’s second largest city was attacked by airborne troops last night.

Attacking cities around Kyiv

Several smaller towns around the capital have been attacked.

In Borodjanka, 56 kilometers northwest of Kyiv, two apartment blocks were hit by bombs. Videos on social media show great destruction.

– A plane flew over twice and dropped three or four bombs, says a man in one of the videos.

CNN has on the basis of, among other things, geolocation confirmed that the videos are real.

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