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Russia-Ukraine war, live coverage – Putin: “Military action? We had no choice. “Zelensky to the EU:” Stop gas to force peace “

Moscow: “Russia has funds to pay off debt”

Russia has sufficient funds for “service and repayment of all its debt obligations on time”. The agency reports it Bloomberg citing an e-mailed statement from the Russian Ministry of Finance. Some foreign investors have failed to receive payments due due to “improper actions by US banks and the US government,” the statement continued. Bloomberg.

‘Kiev confiscated 10 Russian ships in the port of Odessa’

“The Ukrainian authorities they confiscated 10 Russian ships which were undergoing maintenance in the port of Odessa to nationalize them “. This was announced by the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine (SBI) in a statement taken up by TASS. “SBI investigators, assisted by coast guards and the 17th unit of the State Border Service, prevented 8 Russian cargo ships and 2 oil tankers, which were under maintenance in the port of Odessa, from leaving Ukraine. The ships were involved in Russia’s logistics activities in Black Sea is in the Danube“, Reads the press release. According to the SBI, “work continues to identify and nationalize” Russian properties in Ukraine.

Obama: “Putin has always been dangerous”

The former American president Barack Obama he spoke for the first time about the war in Ukraine and the Russian president Vladimir Putin in an exclusive interview on the Nbc Today talk show. “Putin in Ukraine was as reckless as we could never have seen eight, ten years ago. But the danger has always been there, ”said Obama according to a preview of the interview that will air tomorrow.

Oxfam: ‘827 million people at risk of hunger by year’

“Within the year 827 million of people are likely to starve“: Is the alarm raised by Oxfam with the report – entitled “From crisis to catastrophe” – on the combined impact of the pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine on global poverty. According to the international NGO Oxfam, more than 263 million people could find themselves in extreme poverty this year, while more than 860 million may have to survive on less than $ 1.90 a day. The World Bank has estimated that 198 million people could slide below the extreme poverty line in 2022. “But the outlook could be bleaker. – explains Francesco PetrelliOxfam Italia policy advisor on food security – We estimate that the global increase in food prices alone will push another 65 million people towards extreme poverty within the year ”

Kiev, family hit by car while fleeing

Almost all members of a family have been killed in your car by Russian soldiers while trying to escape from an occupied village near Kiev. The incident, which occurred in mid-March, was reported now after the discovery of the car and the bodies by the head of the Kiev regional police Andriy Nebitov, which publishes images of the car riddled with bullets on Facebook and a video in which corpses are also seen. “The occupants shot a family with a BMP (an armored fighting vehicle, ed.). A child of 2 yearsa teenager and 3 women they were killed, ”he writes Nebitov.

Kiev creates the “register of traitors”: one hundred subjects registered, including 13 media

The Ukrainian National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and the NGO Honest Movement have included in a special “register of traitors”And receive one hundred subjects, including 13 media. This was announced on Facebook by the National Council for TV and radio broadcasts, taken up by the agency Ukrinform. The list includes “73 politicians, 13 law enforcement officials, 13 media and a judge”. The register contains data on “collaborators” from 14 regions of Ukraine. According to Ukrinform“637 cases of treason and collaboration in Ukraine have already been opened”.

Lukashenko: “Belarus alongside Moscow whatever happens”

“Belarus it will always remain alongside Russia, in whatever way the situation evolves “. She said it – quoted by Tass – Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko who met Vladimir Putin in Blagoveshchensk, in eastern Russia. Minsk “is determined to strengthen unity with Russia,” he added.

Kiev: “Ten Russian ships seized in the port of Odessa”

Ukraine announced that it has seized ten Russian ships which were under repair in the port of Odessa for an estimated value of more than 34 million dollars. The online newspaper reports The Kyiv Independent. The Ukrainian State Investigation Bureau explains that it prevented eight Russian merchant ships and two oil tankers from leaving Ukraine. Under Ukrainian law, the state can seize Russian property without compensation.

“Borodyanka destroyed, will disappear without reconstruction”

Borodyanka and all its 22 villages were almost completely destroyed from the war. After Mariupol, it is the most damaged city in all of Ukraine. This city will disappear if Europe does not help us with funds for reconstruction ”. So Halina Yerko, Ukrainian deputy and daughter of the mayor of Borodyanka, Georgiy Nikolayevich, to the Ansa envoy to Borodyanka.

EU: “Those responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine will answer”

Those responsible for the possible use of chemical weapons in Ukraine will answer: a spokeswoman for the EU Commission said in the daily press point. “We have seen reports of the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Russian armed forces” and “on signs of chemical poisoning on Ukrainian soldiers, ”he said. “Let’s follow this situation closely. As you know the use of chemical weapons, including the use of toxic chemicals, under any circumstances is one violation of conventions on chemical weapons “which Russia also adheres to and” a war crime “, says the spokeswoman.

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