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Russia fired 7 “Caliber”, among the victims a child – UNIAN

One of the enemy missiles was shot down by air defense forces.

In the Odessa region, as a result of a massive missile attack, 6 people were injured, including a child. This was reported to journalists in the operational command “South”.

“The enemy insidiously attacked the Odessa region with rockets at night. 7 Caliber cruise missiles fired from the Black Sea. One was shot down by air defense forces, 6 hit a peaceful village. 6 people were injured, including 1 child,” the message says.

As a result of the hit, 3 private houses and 2 outbuildings were destroyed and ignited. Several more private estates, cars, a school, and a cultural center were also damaged.

Fire on an area of ​​300 sq. m promptly eliminated. 95 rescuers, 16 units of equipment were involved.

Consequences of strikes / photo t.me/odesacityofficial

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