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“Russia Facing Backlash Over Censorship of Avant-Garde Works: Journalist Alexander Baounov”

In Russia, critical public opinion is indignant at these procedures, assures journalist Alexander Baounov in a Telegram post taken up by Ekho:

“Previously, when the State wanted to attack culture, it took financial embezzlement as a pretext, as in the case [du metteur en scène] Kirill Serebrennikov. But today, we are attacking the work itself. In this case, a small avant-garde, complex and inaccessible work, which takes the form of an analysis of the psychological and social motivations which pushed ordinary young Russian women into the arms of ‘real men’ – the bullies of Daesh . It’s a bit like throwing Dostoyevsky in prison because you think that ‘Crime and Punishment’ would justify the murder of old women, or that ‘Demons’ would glorify terrorism.

2023-05-05 11:00:07
#Director #arrested #Russia

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