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Ronaldinho, suspected of using false official documents, was released

The case concerning Ronaldinho has seen a new twist. The former Brazilian football star, detained in Paraguay since March 6 for using false official documents, has been released, the judge in charge of the case, Gustavo Amarilla, announced on Monday August 24.

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Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, dit Ronaldinho, “Is free to travel in the country of the world that he [lui] will please, but he will have to let know if he changes his permanent address “ for a period of one year, the magistrate said at the hearing. The latter, which began at 2 p.m. local (8 p.m. in Paris), lasted three hours and was broadcast live on television.

“From now on, the deprivation of liberty measure is lifted. [Ronaldinho] is not subject to any restriction, except that of the repair of damages to society “, added the magistrate.

Wearing a black beret, wearing a shirt of the same color and jeans, the former player told the judge “Accept” the prosecution’s proposal for a “Conditional stay of proceedings” since the envisaged sanction does not exceed two years. The public prosecutor demanded payment by Ronaldinho of a fine of 90,000 dollars (76,306 euros) for “Damage to society”.

A sentence for his brother

The magistrate also granted the release of his brother, Roberto de Assis Moreira. But the latter was sentenced to two years in prison, the payment of a fine of 110,000 dollars (93,279 euros) and the obligation to appear every four months before a Brazilian judge for two years.

Paraguayan justice considered that he had knowledge of the fraud. “It’s a sentence for one [Roberto de Assis Moreira] and a reprieve for the other [Ronaldinho]. The defense itself has rallied to this judicial exit ”, summed up the magistrate.

In a statement, the defense of the two Brazilians recalled that they had collaborated in the investigation from the beginning. “They showed the Paraguayan documents to the immigration authorities believing them to be authentic (…) The investigation found no evidence of the involvement of the two brothers in money laundering or in a criminal association”, she assured. “We urge the prosecution to act on those responsible” of this case.

Accused of entering Paraguay with forged passports

After being detained in a police station in Asuncion, where the Ballon d’Or 2005 celebrated its 40th birthday on March 21, the two brothers had been under house arrest for almost five months in a luxury hotel in the capital, against the deposit. a deposit of 1.6 million dollars (1.3 million euros).

Coming in particular to promote a book, they are accused of having entered Paraguay in possession of forged passports. Some eighteen people have already been arrested in connection with the case, most of them immigration officials or police.

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Defense sources have reported that Ronaldinho and Roberto will travel to Brazil on a private flight as soon as possible, once the relevant clearances have been obtained.

The World with AFP

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