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Robber held child of PSV player Zahavi at gunpoint: ‘Please, don’t hurt my kids’ | Eredivisie

During the robbery on the family of PSV player Eran Zahavi, one of the young children of the professional football player was held at gunpoint. This happened in the presence of the mother, who begged the robbers not to harm her children. “The family will never feel as safe as they used to, the robbers have that on their conscience,” said a police spokesperson.

In the program Investigation Requested Last night images were shown of the two suspected perpetrators of the notorious robbery in May. Surveillance images show how the two ride their bicycles to the house in Amsterdam and also flee on their bicycles after the robbery. Composition drawings of the men were also made.


On Sunday afternoon 9 May, Zahavi’s wife and four young children were robbed at their house on the Arenborg in Buitenveldert. They were tied up and given tape on their mouths. The woman was also threatened with a firearm. “When I opened the door, the first perpetrator immediately pushed me inside, against the wall. Behind him came another boy with a firearm,” the mother told police.

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During the robbery, the second robber went up the stairs in search of valuable jewelry. “Since my children were upstairs, I called out to him: Please, my kids are upstairs. Dont hurt my kids.” The man nevertheless went upstairs and held one of the children at gunpoint, police said last night. The robbers threatened and beat the mother and cut some of her hair.

“Everyone can imagine that this has been incredibly traumatic. Fortunately, the family has had a lot of support from teammates, the club and actually from all over the country. That does not alter the fact that such a robbery has a huge impact. The family is now permanently protected.”

Eran Zahavi arrives at his home in May, shortly after the robbery. © ANP

The two robbers made off with various personal belongings and cash. They also took three Rolex watches, including an Oyster Perpetual with an ice blue dial. They also took various purchase and warranty certificates with them, presumably with the idea of ​​making resale easier.

The robbers managed to get in because one of them pretended to be a mail deliverer. This man was wearing a polo shirt with the TNT logo. Eran Zahavi was in Tilburg at the time of the robbery with PSV, for the away game against Willem II. After hearing the news, the Israeli striker immediately returned to Amsterdam to visit his wife and children. “That’s a terrible thing to experience. We wish Eran and his family a lot of strength”, said the captain of the Eindhoven team, Denzel Dumfries, after the game.

Response Zahavic

Zahavi called the robbery on his family a “very unpleasant event” that “goes far beyond normal burglary and theft,” the Israeli footballer wrote on Instagram in Hebrew. “Thank you all for the concern and love, we ask everyone to understand the situation and respect our privacy so that we can process everything.”


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