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Researchers say doing the middle finger movement can reduce pain, how come? : Ozone health

CULTURE in Indonesia and many other countries, the gesture of giving the middle finger is considered a form of unkindness, taboo and seems very rude, which is often connoted as a symbol of bad things.

In fact, giving the middle finger can make someone feel hurt, humiliated and humiliated.

But despite the negative meaning, a study revealed that the motion of giving the middle finger can reduce pain. This was revealed by a research conducted by Kalamazoo University in Michigan, in the United States.

Launch The sun, On Wednesday (10/5/2022), the study results found that the gesture of giving the middle finger was able to reduce discomfort and pain by about a tenth in humans. The researchers also confirmed that the gesture of giving the V finger can also help and has the same effect.

“This is the first study to show that taboo movements have a pain-reducing effect similar to that produced by taboo words,” said lead researcher Professor Autumn Hostetter.

The research was conducted by instructing the research participants involved to put a hand in the ice water. Some participants repeatedly made non-offensive gestures (normal movements) with their other hand and others made a gesture with their middle finger while shouting f ** ko flatly.

The results showed that the group of individuals who performed harsh middle finger gestures were able to endure pain for an average of 125 seconds. The duration, which the research team called, was 12 times longer than the group of participants who did not perform abrupt movements and the group that was flat.

Mentioned further, the researchers explained that giving the index finger can help beat the pain because our brains unconsciously think f ** k (having sex) while doing it.

This is what is called, the ability to make people safer. It is this self-confidence that ultimately helps to ignore the discomfort and pain.

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