Home » today » News » Rescue divers in the Freiburg area combine voluntary work and hobby – Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald

Rescue divers in the Freiburg area combine voluntary work and hobby – Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald

In the Freiburg area, volunteer divers support other rescue organizations. Their operations are often salvage rather than rescue: they always have to expect to find a body.

Work that often knows neither the end of work nor the night’s sleep. Operations that push you to the limit or in danger. Responsibility that requires far-reaching decisions and has serious consequences: rescuers are not to be envied – and yet so often selflessly there for others. The BZ presents rescuers and their organizations in a series. Today: the rescue divers.

Oliver Manhart, the chairman of the penguin diving group, carefully sets back the towing vehicle with the boat trailer on the shore of Lake Opfingen. After the boat has been launched, Werner Kilchling attaches the side view sonar to the boat and leads out onto the lake. Objects that the sonar locates can be seen on the monitor. “This is a tree trunk, for example,” he explains, pointing to a narrow, long …

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