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Reporter transmits tree fall on car, but it was his …

“Ah, hell, it’s me!” The reporter said. Photo: Video capture


A reporter became famous in social networks after being surprised to see that his car was damaged by the fall of a tree, due to the strong winds recorded in recent hours.

The journalist, identified as Gabriel de Quadratín Edomex, was making a live broadcast to report the fall of several trees in Toluca, State of Mexico.

The journalist showed how Civil Protection elements worked to remove the fallen branches and trunks on Juárez Avenue, when he realized that his vehicle had been damaged.

This is the affected car for the owner of the MXN 3392 license plate. Oh dear, it’s me! It fell on my car, hey. That’s how 2020 is receiving me, he said with good humor.

Because social network users commented that the reporter’s reaction seemed feigned and that it was a coincidence, the journalist clarified that he made two transmissions and it was in the first when he realized that it was his car, so the second recording “it was a little mocking me.”

Here the first transmission of Quadratín Edomex.

This is the second transmission of Quadratín Edomex.

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