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Reportage “Don Stanislao”. Cardinal Dziwisz: I never got money to conceal deeds or facts meant for the pope’s attention

Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz in a statement for the Italian agency Ansa – in reaction to the report “Don Stanislao” shown on TVN24 – assured that he never accepted money. He said the charges against him were “defamatory” and aimed at undermining his “humble” service to Saint John Paul II.

Marcin Gutowski, the journalist of “Black on White” TVN24 showed in his report “Don Stanislao. The other face of Cardinal Dziwisz” the unknown face of the priest. He appears in it as a powerful hierarch, a gray eminence who can take care of the interests of the Church – understood in a specific way. Also when it comes to cases involving victims of pedophilia. The report also indicated Dziwisz’s connections with the former American cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who committed pedophilia. He saw the light of day on Tuesday Vatican Report on the Holy See’s Knowledge of the American Clergyman.

In an interview with the Italian agency Ansa, Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz said that the allegations made in the report “Don Stanislao. The other face of Cardinal Dziwisz” were defamatory. “They are to destroy the service that I humbly render to the Holy Pope, John Paul II,” he said. “I have never accepted money in exchange for attending a holy mass, I have never – I underline, never received money to conceal deeds or facts intended for the attention of the Holy Father” – assured the cardinal.

“I have never and again never supported people who are unworthy in exchange for donations inscribed in some perverse logic of exchange” – declared the retired Krakow metropolitan.


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Cardinal Stanisław DziwiszShutterstock

Referring to the report “Black on the White”, the hierarch said that he had already rejected in the most emphatic way “innuendo, which quickly became defamatory calumnies.”

“But since the sparks caused by this material have spread beyond the borders of my beloved homeland, reaching Italy and Rome as well, I wish to reject with equal firmness and even more indignation malicious suggestions and defamatory accusations,” he added.

Cardinal Dziwisz expressed the opinion that in the material “they are combined with deceptive skillfulness of snapshots from church life, fragments of matters that are not connected with each other and cannot be connected, episodes that objectively have, as far as I know, completely different dynamics. All seasoned with malicious accusations of traffic. scandalous, what is unfounded “- he assessed.

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Fr. Stanisław Dziwisz and Pope John Paul II on May 22, 1995 in Skoczów, during a pilgrimage to PolandJakub Ostalowski / Forum

“The generosity and kindness of the school of Saint John Paul II cannot allow any manipulation on any part, even under the pretext of a noble journalistic duty” – said Cardinal Dziwisz. He recalled that Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, chairman of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, asked for the appointment of an independent commission that would explain his role as the personal secretary of the Archbishop of Kraków, Karol Wojtyła, and then of John Paul II.

He assured that he supported this motion and added that he was asking for his “transparent and always disinterested behavior” to be confirmed.

In conclusion, Cardinal Dziwisz called on the media to “carry out the mission in a prudent and wise manner, so that public opinion would not be further poisoned by innuendo that harms honor and respect for the truth of the facts.”

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