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Recognize water fleas, their causes, symptoms and treatments

Water fleas are fungal infections of the feet. This disease is also known as keep pedis or athlete’s foot in the world of health. This fungal infection usually starts between the toes and then spreads to all areas of the foot. This condition can occur in all age groups.

Quoted from the page Alodokter.comWater fleas are prone to attacking feet which are often wet or damp from sweating or wearing tight shoes. Although it can be treated with antifungal medications, this condition can recur if the triggers, such as often clammy and wet feet, are not addressed.

Water fleas can appear as one or a combination of the following four clinical forms:

  • Chronic hyperkeratosis, a type of water flea caused by a fungal infection called Trichophyton rubrum which is characterized by a characteristic pattern of lesions and causes the appearance of scales and thickening of the soles of the feet.
  • Chronic intertriginous, this type is characterized by the formation of scales, erythema and skin erosion.
  • Acute ulcerative, most often caused by T. mentagrophytes var. Interdigital. This type of water flea is usually characterized by the appearance of fluid-filled blisters in the space between the toes.
  • Vesicobula, water fleas that cause the appearance of hollow sacs (bubbles) on the skin layer of the soles of the feet.

Causes of water fleas

Water fleas are often caused by fungal infections of the dermatophyte group. Infections of this group of fungi can also cause tinea cruris and ringworm.

Types of fungi from the group of dermatophytes that can cause tinea pedis, namely: Tricophyton Rubrum, Tricophyton InterdigitalAnd Epidermophyton Floccosum. Water lice are a contagious disease.

Water flea transmission can occur through direct contact with people with water fleas or with objects contaminated with fungus, such as towels, floors, shoes, or clothing. There are several factors that can increase a person’s risk of getting water fleas, including:

  • Sharing personal items, such as towels, socks, or shoes.
  • Visit public areas barefoot.
  • He often wears closed footwear.
  • Feet often sweat and don’t dry out immediately.
  • Wear tight, thick shoes.
  • There are wounds on the fingers or toes.
  • Not maintaining foot hygiene, such as rarely washing feet after activities and reusing socks that haven’t been washed.

Water fleas can attack all age and sex groups. However, this foot skin disease is more easily experienced by people with weak immune system conditions, such as people with diabetes or HIV / AIDS.

Symptoms and complications of water lice

Symptoms of water fleas generally develop between the toes and spread to other areas of the skin on the feet, such as the nails, soles, back, and sides of the feet. This fungal infection can also spread to the area around the legs all the way to the skin of the groin.

Water fleas are characterized by the appearance of a red, scaly rash accompanied by itching on the skin of the feet. Itching gets worse when the sufferer takes off their socks or shoes. In some cases, water fleas can also cause smelly feet, foot sores, or skin that appears with blisters.

In addition, water fleas can also cause complaints in the form of:

  • The skin on the legs is burning
  • Dry leg skin
  • Cracked foot skin
  • Foot skin exfoliated
  • Reddish skin between the toes and soles of the feet

Fungal infections in tinea pedis can also spread to the nails and cause nail fungus or onychomycosis. Fungal nail infections are characterized by brittle, pale, discolored, or thickened nails with an uneven surface.

Water flea infection can spread to other warm, humid areas of the body. The infection usually spreads from the feet to the groin, as the fungus can spread to the hands or towels. Athlete’s foot can also sometimes cause a bacterial infection.

How to prevent water fleas

Although water fleas can eventually be overcome, this disease still has the potential to reappear if preventative measures are not taken and clean living habits applied. Therefore, to avoid the return of water fleas, it is possible to adopt various preventive measures, namely:

  • Clean your feet regularly, if necessary treat them with products that can prevent fungal infections.
  • Use footwear if you want to go to public facilities such as public toilets.
  • Use socks with materials that can absorb sweat.
  • Use clean socks and avoid reusing them without washing them first.
  • Wear light shoes with good ventilation.
  • Avoid sharing personal items, such as towels and shoes.
  • Avoid shoes with synthetic materials such as vinyl or rubber, as they tend to be damp and do not absorb sweat.
  • Try to keep your feet dry and not damp from sweat.
  • Wash your shoes regularly and use them after they are completely dry.

Treatment of water flea disease

Treatment of water fleas can be by administering an antifungal cream that is freely sold on the market, such as miconazole, econazole or clotrimazole. Treatment with this antifungal cream can last 2-4 weeks.

If symptoms do not improve, doctors generally prescribe other antifungal creams that are not over-the-counter, such as terbinafine, tolnaftate, or itraconazole, or oral antifungal medications in tablet form. Tea tree oil can also be used as an alternative to water flea treatment, consulting your doctor before using it.

Doctors may also advise patients to soak their feet in salt water or diluted vinegar, so that the skin blisters dry quickly.

If there are changes in the skin of the feet, accompanied by itching and burning sensation, it is a good idea to immediately consult a dermatologist for further examinations and treatments.

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