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Recognize 7 Causes of Cervical Cancer

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Cervical cancer occurs due to abnormal cell growth in the neck rahim. Identify several causes and risk factors that trigger it cancer cervix.

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer experienced by women. World Health Organization (WHO) noted, it is estimated that there are about 570 thousand women in the world suffering from cervical cancer and 311 thousand of them died.

HPV Vaccination and screening can prevent most cases of cervical cancer. Early detection increases the chances of curing cervical cancer patients.

Most cases of cervical cancer (99 percent) are caused by infection Human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus is generally transmitted through sexual contact. Apart from HPV, there are several other causes of cervical cancer as follows, citing the official website American Cancer Society.

1. HPV infection

HPV infection is one of the main risk factors for cervical cancer. HPV can be spread from one person to another through sexual activity.

HPV infection is fairly common in society. In most people, the infection goes away on its own. However, in some cases, the infection does not go away and becomes chronic, which can lead to cancer.

2. Sexually active

Several factors related to sexual activity can increase the risk of cervical cancer. This risk is influenced by the increased likelihood of being exposed to HPV during sexual intercourse.

Being sexually active from a young age (especially under 18 years), having multiple sexual partners, and having one partner who is considered to be at high risk can increase the chances of getting cervical cancer.

3. Smoking

Cigarettes contain a number of chemicals that are carcinogenic or cause cancer. Women who smoke are said to be twice as likely to develop cervical cancer than non-smokers.

The study found that several chemicals present in tobacco are in the cervical mucus of female smokers. Researchers believe that these substances damage the DNA of cervical cells and contribute to the development of cancer cells.

Illustration. Smoking habit is also one of the causes of cervical cancer. (Astari Kusumawardhani)-

4. Weak immune system

Human the virus immundeficiency (HIV) can weaken the immune system and put a person at high risk of contracting HPV infection.

The immune system has an important role to play in destroying cancer cells and slowing their growth. In women with HIV, cervical precancer can develop more rapidly than usual to become invasive.

Another group of women at risk are those who take drugs to suppress the immune response, such as those with autoimmune conditions.

5. Chlamydia infection

Chlamydia is the type of bacteria that most commonly infects the reproductive system. Chlamydia can spread through sexual contact.

Several studies have found a higher risk of cervical cancer in women who are infected with the bacteria Chlamydia. Certain studies have also found that bacteria Chlamydia can help HPV to develop and live on the cervix which can increase the risk of cancer.

6. Long-term use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills)

Several studies have found that taking birth control pills for a long time can increase the risk of cervical cancer. Research shows, the risk of cervical cancer increases as long as a woman takes birth control pills. However, the risk tends to decrease when the pill is stopped.

7. Low eating patterns of fruits and vegetables

Diet can also affect the risk of cervical cancer. Research has found that obese women are more likely to develop certain types of cervical cancer. Women with a diet low in fruits and vegetables are also at a higher risk of developing cervical cancer.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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