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Really nasty! Here’s the Illegal Pinjol Covert Mode

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Online loan alias pinjol illegal has many modes of crime. Entities whose majority are not registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) have easy borrowing.

“But very trapped, the fee is large, borrowing Rp. 1 million is transferred Rp. 600 thousand. High interest is around 3% per day. The short term is only 7 days,” said Chairman of the Investment Alert Task Force Tongam L Tobing in CNBC Indonesia’s Profit program, Friday (25/6). /2021).

Borrowers, Tongam said, would ask for access to contacts on the borrower’s cell phone. They can even terrorize these contacts during billing.

Another mode is to transfer a certain amount of money to people who do not take loans. Tongam also said the illegal lenders also made offers via SMS and WhatsApp, which he insisted were illegal.

“SMS or WA offers, we hereby inform the public that every offer via SMS is illegal, it is not allowed for loans registered by the OJK to make offers via SMS,” he explained.

Tongam said that his party always takes steps to prevent illegal loans. From a preventive perspective, educating the public, for example by asking not to access illegal loans and checking which entities are registered with the OJK.

In addition, it also performs blocking actions on application websites in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information. But this blocking also has a problem. Because the perpetrators still easily return to the virtual world.

This is because nowadays it is so easy to create applications and websites. Tongam said a number of illegal pinjols that were blocked would be renamed in the future.

“The perpetrators who used to carry out illegal lending activities were blocked and changed their names. Now it’s easy to create a website application,” said Tongam.

He added that for its eradication, community participation is needed. They are advised to never access the illegal lenders.

“Our concern is that eradicating illegal loans requires community support, so that they never access these illegal loans,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(Cha Cha dance)

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