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Rare All-Brown Giraffe Born at Brights Zoo in Tennessee – A Unique and Extraordinary Exception to the Species


Exceptionally, a giraffe is born spotless

A zoo in Tennessee has welcomed an all-brown baby, the only one in the world for this species. It remains to find a name for it.

PostedAugust 23, 2023, 6:40 AM

The astonishing all-brown giraffe and its mother.

Brights Zoo

On July 31, Brights Zoo in Limestone, Tennessee was blessed with a baby giraffe. A birth that was accompanied by a big surprise: this female has no spots, she is completely brown. The zoo believes she is the only one of her kind among reticulated giraffes. The last recorded entirely brown dates back to 1972, in a Japanese zoo.

Three all-white giraffes were spotted in Kenya in 2020, CVS said. But their solid color resulted from leucism, which is akin to vitiligo in humans. Two of the three white giraffes were killed by poachers.

The zoo has launched a competition to name the little giraffe and draw attention to this endangered species. The list is now reduced to four names: Kipekee, which means unique; Firyali, which means unusual or extraordinary; Shakiri, which means “she is the most beautiful” and Jamella, which means “one of great beauty”.

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2023-08-23 04:40:33

#Exceptionally #giraffe #born #spotless

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