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Raid in Hesse: 85 Suspects Searched in Fight Against Sexual Violence on Children and Young People

Investigators have searched the homes of dozens of suspects in the fight against sexual violence against children and young people. One person was arrested. Many of the accused are younger than 21 years old.

The total of 85 searches took place last week between Monday and Friday in almost all Hessian districts, as the State Criminal Police Office announced on Monday.

Eight of the suspects are accused of sexual violence against children and young people. 79 other defendants are said to have purchased, possessed or distributed child and youth pornography. 23 of the accused are younger than 21 years old. 12 are women.

750 data carriers have to be evaluated

According to the current status of the investigation, the 87 suspects apparently did not know each other and no exchange took place. The investigators seized around 750 data carriers such as smartphones, computers, laptops and USB sticks, which are now to be evaluated.

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Young people also often commit crimes

According to the State Criminal Police Office, it is more common for perpetrators of sexual offenses against children and young people to fall under the juvenile criminal law themselves. In 2022, 46 percent of suspects accused of purchasing, possessing or distributing child pornography were younger than 21 years old. Experience shows that minors do not always act consciously when disseminating criminally relevant content, for example via messenger.

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Apartments were searched in Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Hanau, Kassel, Offenbach and Wiesbaden, as well as in the districts of Hochtaunus, Lahn-Dill, Bergstrasse, Darmstadt-Dieburg, Fulda, Gießen, Groß-Gerau, Hersfeld-Rotenburg, Kassel, Limburg-Weilburg, Offenbach, Waldeck-Frankenberg, Main-Kinzig, Rheingau-Taunus, Vogelsberg, Werra-Meißner and Wetterau.

The raid was organized by the State Criminal Police Office. It was an action by the Special Organization (BAO) Focus, which was set up in 2020 to investigate sexual crimes against children and young people.

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