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Putin and Macron discussed Ukraine and security

Putin and Macron had a telephone conversation

Putin told Macron that the United States and NATO, in their responses to Russia, ignored the issue of the principle of indivisibility of security.

On Friday, January 28, Russian President Vladmir Putin discussed with French President Emmanuel Macron negotiations on security guarantees and the situation around Ukraine, reported in the Kremlin.

Thus, Putin told Macron that the United States and NATO, in their responses to the proposals of the Russian Federation, ignored the issue of the principle of indivisibility of security.

“At the same time, attention was drawn to the fact that the American and NATO responses did not take into account such fundamental concerns of Russia as preventing NATO expansion, refusing to deploy strike weapons systems near Russian borders, as well as returning the bloc’s military potential and infrastructure in Europe to positions 1997, when the Russia-NATO Founding Act was signed, and the key question was also ignored – how the United States and its allies intend to follow the principle of indivisibility of security, fixed in the basic documents of the OSCE and Russia-NATO, which stipulates that no one should strengthen their security at the expense of the security of others countries,” the statement said.

During the discussion of the Ukrainian topic, Putin emphasized the importance of fulfilling the provisions of the Minsk Package of Measures and other agreements, “primarily on establishing a direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk and legalizing the special status of Donbass.”

“Taking into account the results of the meeting of political advisers to the leaders of the Normandy Four countries held in Paris on January 26, the mood for the further work of Russia and France in this format was confirmed,” the Kremlin noted.

It is noted that the heads of state reviewed the state of affairs around the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear program. Some practical aspects of bilateral cooperation, including in the field of nuclear energy, were discussed.

Recall, on January 26, the United States, and then NATO handed over to the Russian Federation the answers on the negotiations about security.

On the status of the negotiations security between the US and Russia read in material Korrespondent.net.

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