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Protests in Pisa: Thousands March Against Police Repression and Minister Piantedosi

Young and very young people, but also representatives of the Anpi and the grassroots unions, joined the meeting in Piazza Beniamino Gigli, at 6.30 pm, to contest the repression of the event organized in Pisa.

According to the students, more than 2,000 people took to the streets, all united to say “stop the truncheons” and ask for the resignation of Minister Piantedosi. The demonstration organized by the Lazio middle school students’ network took place without too many problems, starting from Piazza Beniamino Gigli and arriving in procession under the Interior Ministry. A human tide that wanted to contest the methods used to manage the square, also supported by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who had blamed what happened in the Tuscan city.

From the sit-in to the march in front of the Interior Ministry

“Enough with your truncheons” was chanted in the slogans shouted. A message also reiterated by the banners of the demonstrators, some of whom, after having called for the possibility of holding a procession, marched away from the location chosen for the sit-in, heading in front of the Interior Ministry. There were no clashes and, after half an hour, the demonstrators regrouped in front of the Opera theatre. Throughout the evening there was no shortage of slogans against the government and the request for “resignation” addressed to the Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi was repeated several times.

The challenge to Minister Piantedosi

“We cannot afford a state that censors us, that prevents us from expressing our dissent. We are extremely satisfied to see such an impressive response to our call to mobilize, this square clearly says that people are tired of the Piantedosi management of dissent and the Meloni management of the country” commented Tullia Nargiso, coordinator of the Network of Middle School Students of Lazio . The activist also underlined that it has been “for too long” that the Internet has been “forced to condemn police charges during peaceful demonstrations by students without any accountability on the part of the minister”.

In the square

There was also no shortage of political personalities in the square, such as the president of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte. In a long social post, Conte spoke of a government “that is knowingly creating a “police state”, disseminating new types of crime and worsening existing penalties”. Wide participation among the ranks of the Democratic Party. “Rome, February 2024. Beautiful. The girls and boys who defend freedom and democracy in the streets”, wrote PD deputy Nicola Zingaretti on X.

They praise Hamas

Forza Italia senator Maurizio Gasparri, however, wanted to contest the march. “I see that the police forces are contesting near the Interior Ministry – he declared as reported by Dire – this is a free and democratic country where someone even has the possibility of saying that he prefers Hamas terrorists to the Italian people in uniform. I on the other hand I prefer the police, the Carabinieri and the other armed forces and law enforcement agencies and I don’t go into the streets to praise Hamas and ask for the destruction of Israel. Everyone stands where they want. But among those who protest there are those who praise the terrorists. We we are on the other side”. And on the proposal to put identification codes on policemen, Gasparri reiterated that these “will never be there. They would only be used for false reports”.

2024-02-26 05:48:45

#truncheons #students #march #front #Interior #Ministry #Piantedosis #resignation #requested

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