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Preventing Bacterial Infections: Tips and Guidelines to Stay Healthy

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Bacterial infection is a disease that can affect the skin, lungs, brain, blood and other parts of the body. How to prevent bacterial infection?

Quoting from Mayo Clinic, not all bacteria are harmful, there are some bacteria that live in the body have beneficial. For example, Lactobacillus acidophilus is a harmless bacteria that resides in your gut. These bacteria help to digest food, destroy some disease-causing organisms, and provide nutrients.

Some Types of Bacterial Infections

Quoted from Cleveland ClinicSome common types of bacterial infections include:

– Food poisoning (gastroenteritis)

– Some skin, ear or sinus infections



– Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

– Bacterial pneumonia

Most urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Many disease-causing bacteria produce strong toxins or chemicals that can damage cells and make you sick. Other bacteria can also directly attack and damage tissue. Some infections caused by bacteria include strep throat, tuberculosis and urinary tract infections.

Prevents Bacterial Infections

Summarizing various sources, here are ways to prevent bacterial infections, including:

1. Keeping clean

In order to avoid bacterial infections, you must always maintain personal hygiene. Starting from maintaining good hand washing habits, wearing clean and dry clothes, and not sharing personal items with other people.

Make sure you use antibacterial soap and warm water when washing your hands. Alcohol hand gel is also highly recommended when exposed to sick people at home or at work.

2. Keep the wound clean

When you have a wound on your body, it is important for you to always pay attention to its cleanliness. Cuts on your skin allow bacteria to enter. Clean and cover any cuts or wounds on your skin.

3. Protect yourself from insect bites

Wear protective clothing, use bug spray and check yourself and your pets for ticks after being outdoors.

4. Vaccine

There are vaccines for many bacterial diseases, including tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria and the bacteria that cause meningitis (Neisseria meningitides), pneumonia (streptococcus pneumoniae, haemophilus influenzae type b) and bloodstream infections.

5. Limit contact with animals

Another way to prevent bacterial infections is to monitor contact with animals and avoid exposure to wild animals. Even though pets at home may appear clean, they still harbor bacteria.

Children, in particular, are very vulnerable to infection bacterial infection from animals. Disinfect toys and eating areas if they are at home. Children should also avoid mouth contact with household pets.

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2023-07-02 21:51:16
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