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Presidential mandate against budget update – the reactions of the parties

GERB accused Radev of racketeering political forces in the National Assembly

How did the political forces read the president’s words that he would first hear their opinion on the budget update and then decide which party to hand over the mandate to? “I will decide when and to whom,” he said earlier today, and GERB accepted it as an ultimatum.

The BSP reminded that they themselves insist on an update. Such a call was also made by IBGNI.

The President has the right to do so, the MRF reminded, but also stressed that the budget and its updating are the subject of future policies with an already clear majority.

It is obvious that the president is currently trying to twist the hands of the parliamentary groups to update the budget and only then will hand over the mandate, commented the chairman of GERB – UDF Desislava Atanasova to journalists in the National Assembly.

“Apart from being a divider of the nation, he also became a racketeer for the parliamentary groups.”, Atanasova was categorical. “It is very strange to me that after two years of not holding such a council, the president only now realized that there is a danger of the 4th wave of COVID in Bulgaria. Maybe now he understands that there is a danger of a migrant crisis,” Atanasova said.

“It is obvious that the president is currently trying to twist the hands of the parliamentary groups for updating the budget and only then will he hand over the mandate,” concluded the chairwoman of the GERB / ​​UDF group. She reminded that there are constitutional procedures.

No party will receive a blank check against unclear terms on who will spend this money and for what, she predicts. Desislava Atanasova rebuked the president for running away from responsibility and reiterated that GERB had left stable finances in the country. “This caretaker government was born under his fist,” Atanasova said.

The BSP reminded that they have been insisting on updating the budget for a long time.

“Let’s not guess who would do what, this is a constitutional right of the president, he will decide who to give the third term to,” Borislav Gutsanov said when asked if the BSP would be offended if the term did not go to them. “If the third. a mandate will be given to us, talks will be held with the ministers / officials /, the prime minister, and then the plenary hall will be reached “, commented Borislav Gutsanov. “Part of the official cabinet is also connected with the BSP, we believe that at the moment this cabinet is doing its job, it has a good popularity among the people, which is a prerequisite for calm,” Gutsanov added.

“Obviously, Mr. President still intends to hold consultations, to hear what we think about the delay in the procedure. He will still make assessments, to see what ideas, goals, intentions, what actions he is taking,” the President said on the sidelines of the parliament. of MRF Mustafa Karaday. “It’s in his power,” he reminded.

Karaday also noted that the update and the budget are in principle future policies to be implemented. A clear parliamentary majority must stand behind them, he hinted. So, we have yet to see who is proposing what, but the MRF has been calling for normalcy in politics for a long time, which presupposes a meaningful dialogue for the restoration of democracy, stressed the chairman of the Movement. According to him, this cannot happen with undemocratic methods and tools. “We also saw something that with anti-MRF rhetoric they cannot hide their political weakness, they do not solve crises – health, social, especially political,” Karadayi pointed out.

“We will take a position. At the moment I cannot take a position on this topic,” Hristo Ivanov commented, adding that the issue will be discussed by the parliamentary group of the DB next week.

“It is important for us to have a dialogue between the formations outside the MRF and GERB. Let’s try to solve, to find a complete formula. When we find a complete formula, I am sure we can solve the difficulties associated with the mandate. If we have a comprehensive formula on how long such a government should be, what its composition should be, how to ensure its actions, I am sure that in this context, who will technically receive the mandate, may remain a matter of technique and not be symbolic “, added Ivanov.

Nikolay Hadjigenov found the president’s reproach to the parties to be correct, and Maya Manolova called on the parliamentary groups to work together on updating the budget. “This is the only way to guarantee the pensions of the elderly, for first-line physicians to have their additional payments on the threshold of the COVID crisis, for businesses to receive support in the context of the coronavirus,” she said.

No matter how many times we make choices, the same people will one day have to sit down, come to their senses, stop looking at themselves to create the formula for governance, commented Arman Babikyan from “Stand up BG! We are coming!”. The opposite is madness, he said. Only one person who wants “order in chaos” enjoys this thing, he noted.

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