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Presidential elections. Who is the candidate of the Left? Włodzimierz Czarzasty: I think it will be a woman

Włodzimierz Czarzasty, deputy speaker of the Sejm and co-chairman of the New Left, commented on the results of the recent local elections in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24. His party received less than seven percent of the votes. – We are definitely not satisfied with this result. Certainly, those people who run the parties, because the (Left election committee – ed.) was a four-party committee, have no satisfaction in this matter. On Saturday we had a board dedicated to this matter. I think we’ve learned a lot of lessons, he said.

– Of course I feel that these elections could have ended better. This is obvious. It’s always the case that I take responsibility – added Czarzasty.

Czarzasty: We will make all personnel applications after the entire election cycleTVN24

Czarzasty: It was definitely better to go in two blocks than in three

Speaking about the conclusions drawn by the Left leaders after the last elections, Czarzasty said that “it was certainly better to go in two blocs than in three blocs.”

– Because when parties such as PSL, Polska 2050 or the Left (…) have ratings between 7 and 10 percent, at this moment – with 40 five-member constituencies – it is difficult to take a seat. PSL and Polska 2050 have merged. They had (total – ed.) 14 percent, i.e. 7 percent each. We failed, probably through our fault, to reach an agreement with the Civic Platform on this matter. So we knew that our result would be lower. I was hoping for a better result, he admitted.

Czarzasty: I think a woman should run for president

Czarzasty was also asked whether the Left would field a woman’s candidate in the 2025 presidential elections. – I think it will be a woman, but we will make this decision. As for me, I think so (that it should be a woman – ed.). We will make the decision a year before the elections, he said.

He also said that until the June elections to the European Parliament, his party would run as in the last elections, and not as part of a broader coalition, for example with the Civic Coalition or Third Way. – We’re going alone. We registered the committee as four parties – i.e. the Razem party, PPS, Labor Union and New Left – he said.

Czarzasty: I did not attack Hołownia

The “Kropka nad i” guest was also asked whether, taking into account the election results, it was necessary to “attack” the Third Way community, including, among others, the Speaker of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia, because the Sejm was unable to deal with the bills on abortion for a long time. .

– I did not attack Mr. Hołownia, I just informed that further postponing and not proceeding with the topic related to abortion laws is not good, (…). I will not allow myself to be reduced to this path: “was it necessary to attack you?” I needed to say that women’s issues should not wait. And we managed to ensure that these matters were finally decided (the Sejm dealt with them – ed.) – he added.

photo-source">Source of main photo: TVN24

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