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Presidential election 2020. Foreign press about Poland

The second round of presidential elections in Poland will be fierce, and the result is difficult to predict – this is the main message of foreign media about Sunday’s elections in our country.

Reuters writes briefly about the elections in Poland. “Polish President Andrzej Duda won in the first round of presidential elections, as indicated by the partial results published on Monday, but he failed to win the majority of votes to avoid – as everything indicates – fierce extra time in the second round of July 12” – we read.

Reuters casually characterizes political rivals. Duda is “an ally of the nationalist ruling party Law and Justice”, and “representing the largest opposition party, the central Civic Platform” Rafał Trzaskowski is referred to as “liberal”.

“The second round of elections between Andrzej Duda and Rafał Trzaskowski will be a test for right-wing populism” – that’s how Financial Times writes about the presidential election in Poland.

“In a few European democracies, the struggle between conservatism-colored national populism and liberalism is as outlined as it is in Poland. The unresolved result of Sunday’s presidential election means that the two largest political parties will face off in extra time on July 12,” he adds, adding that “it is difficult to judge the results of the second round”.

According to the Financial Times, a possible victory for Trzaskowski could mean early parliamentary elections. However, to win in the second round, candidates must obtain the approval of voters from other political circles than those who have supported them so far. “Trzaskowski’s victory may be ensured by the recruitment of moderate conservatives, who believe that the PiS’s strike against cultural pluralism and relying on right-wing conspiracy theories has gone too far,” says the newspaper.

The Washington Post emphasizes, however, that the results of the second round of presidential elections in our country may “for years determine Poland’s relations with the European Union”. The newspaper emphasizes that the president in Poland has the right to veto laws. Thus, “the re-election of Andrzej Duda, allied with the government, who will face the liberal president of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski, is crucial for Law and Justice, which wants to continue conservative changes, including those that the European Union considers undermining the independence of the judiciary.”

The daily also writes that while “Duda is the favorite to win”, “recent polls give Trzaskowski the chance to win.”

“Andrzej Duda, an ally of the right-wing Law and Justice party, will face the liberal Rafał Trzaskowski in election extra time. Although the incumbent president received the most support in the first round, he failed to get the required to win without having to vote over 50 percent in the second round votes “- writes” The Guardian “.

The newspaper forecasts that the results of the first round indicate a fierce extra time, which “will decide the political future of Poland for years”. According to “The Guardian”, Duda’s victory will ensure PiS “a free hand in government for the next few years.” The daily notes that so far the ruling party has “entered into conflict with Brussels” because of violations of democratic standards and the rule of law.

According to The Guardian, Sunday’s election results mean that the outcome of the second round is too hard to predict.


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