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Potential Cesarean Delivery Can Be Detected Early Based on Comprehensive Tests


JAKARTA – The World Health Organization (WHO) noted, the number of caesarean deliveries continues to increase globally with more than 1 in 5 (21%) of all births. Meanwhile, on a national scale, the prevalence rate is almost 18% (RISKESDAS 2018).

The general increase in maternal risk factors accounts for the increase in caesarean deliveries worldwide. The high number of caesarean deliveries needs to be balanced with knowledge about the benefits and risks of this method, especially for children’s health.

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In fact, the caesarean birth method is one of the factors that can cause an imbalance in the microbiota in children so that it has the potential to affect the immune system.

“Every mother who is planning a pregnancy or preparing for childbirth should conduct early detection whether she has risk factors that can lead to a high-risk pregnancy and affect the health condition of the mother, fetus, or both,” said Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist, Fetomaternal Consultant, Dr. dr. Rima Irwinda, SPOG(K) in a webinar on Nutrition Talk with the theme Plan Childbirth Carefully with Caesarean Potential Test, Wednesday (27/10/2021).

Some of the factors that trigger high-risk pregnancies include physical conditions (height less than 145 cm, narrow pelvis, and maternal age less than 20 years or more than 35 years), medical conditions before pregnancy (hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart, kidney disease). chronic conditions, a history of miscarriage, or a family history of genetic disorders), medical conditions that developed during pregnancy (preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, thyroid), pregnancy-related complications (prematurity, twins, placenta previa), fetal conditions that are sometimes only seen on ultrasound, and maternal lifestyle choices.

“In addition to the risks faced by the mother, the method of birth can also affect the health of the little one. Therefore, careful preparation in preparing for birth, including in determining the birth method, is an important thing to do,” said Dr. Rima.

“One of the efforts made is by conducting a caesarean potential test. Checking the potential for caesarean delivery should be carried out periodically, especially when pregnancy enters the third trimester. This is because the mother and fetus are very likely to experience changes in health conditions during pregnancy,” he added.

Meanwhile, Consultant Pediatrician, Allergy Immunology, dr. Molly D. Oktarina, SpA(K) explained, one of the risks of the caesarean birth method is causing disturbances in the balance of microbiota colonization in the little one’s digestive tract. Whereas colonization of the gastrointestinal microbiota which is dominated by healthy microbiota is an important aspect in maintaining the child’s immune system.

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