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“Postoperative Diet for Double Eyelid Cutting: The Benefits of Salmon, Spinach, and More”


Lee Byung-hoon said that salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation and puffiness; the picture shows a schematic diagram. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]What can be done to help recovery after double eyelid cutting? Li Bingxun, chief physician of plastic surgery at Tucheng Hospital of New Taipei City, posted on his Facebook page “Good quality doctor Li Bingxun My specialty Your confidence New Taipei Banqiao Tucheng Chang Gung Plastic SurgeryThe article pointed out that postoperative diet should be paid attention to to avoid adverse effects on recovery. Eating salmon can reduce inflammation, eating spinach can help blood coagulation, protein can accelerate wound healing, and fruits and vegetables can help antioxidant.

Salmon: Rich in Omega-3 fatty acid, promotes skin cell health around eyes, helps reduce inflammation and puffiness.

spinach: Rich in vitamin K, can help blood coagulation, help reduce blood stasis.

protein: High-protein foods such as chicken, fish, and beans help maintain muscle and tissue health. It can help recovery and speed up wound healing after double eyelid incision.

fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and E, such as oranges, grapefruit, cherries, strawberries, red peppers, cauliflower, etc., help anti-oxidation and reduce inflammation.

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2023-05-29 04:13:00

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