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Politicians and Their Animal Identities: Luis Petri’s Vulture

There is a branch of politicians who, possibly advised by their marketing team, try to make their figure resemble that of an animal. The ramification is found among those who try to give themselves a nickname (for example, a lion), those who use a play on words with their name and even those who adopt a negative qualification as something of their own, for example, a cat. In that pet cocoliche, Luis Petri tried not to be less and chose an animal to represent it: the vulture.

The identification by the bird of prey was by Petri himself, when publishing an image with a view to the runoff on Sunday, November 19. The radical leader, known in gossip magazines for another reason that goes beyond his political ideas, tried to place himself in the trinomial of animals that put together Acassuso’s pact with La Libertad Avanza and part of the PRO joined together. These were: a lion, a duck and a lion. And that’s why he posted the image (probably made with artificial intelligence) to which a vulture was added.

With the post Petri also called supervise for the far-right in the second round that will define the future president. And he took the opportunity to promote his new space “The Force of a Radical Change”, in a play on words to explain his move from the UCR to be Bullrich’s second and, after the electoral defeat, join La Libertad Avanza.

Advertising for the new space is essential: the group has barely 350 followers on Twitter.

2023-11-07 20:53:02
#Among #animals #Luis #Petri #identifies #vulture #radical #called #inspect #Javier #Milei #image

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