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Police are organizing a new speed camera marathon on Friday: extra speed checks for 24 hours


The federal highway police and the local police are organizing the twentieth speed camera marathon this Friday, April 19 from 6 p.m. For 24 hours, the police will extra check the speed of road users on Belgian roads.

The main aim of the announced action is to encourage drivers to moderate their speed and always and everywhere adhere to the permitted speed limit. “Excessive speed is still one of the main causes of traffic accidents, together with driving under the influence and mobile phone use behind the wheel,” it said.

During the previous speed camera marathon in November, around 6 percent of the drivers checked drove too fast and thirteen driving licenses were revoked. During the April edition last year, 4.56 percent drove too fast. “Unfortunately, we notice an increasing trend in the figures of recent editions,” regrets the federal police.

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