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Plants Can Grow in Lunar Soil Samples, Researchers: Promising Achievements

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Researchers in the United States said Thursday they had planted seeds in soil samples Moon. Before long, they noticed growth.

The Moon land used is land that has long been taken over by NASA Moon explorers, the U.S. space agency.

The experiment also involved a small flowering weed called Arabidopsis thaliana – a type of lettuce – in 12 small containers, each containing a small sample of the material taken during the Apollo missions in 1969 and 1972.

Land of the Moon which is also known as Moon regolithas sharp particles and lacks organic matter, very different from soil on Earth.

Therefore, the growth of this weed is considered a promising achievement because in the future, it is possible for humans to use Earth’s plants to support the use of “other worlds” beyond Earth.

Initially, researchers did not know whether the seeds would germinate if planted in lunar soil. But, after two days, the plant sprouted and grew.

“When we first looked at the number of green sprouts scattered across all the samples land of the Moonwe were stunned,” said horticultural science professor Anna-Lisa Paul, director of the University of Florida’s Center for Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Research and co-leader of the study published in the journal Communications Biology collect Al JazeeraMonday (23/5/2022).

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