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Photos that will break the heart of Aneta Vignerová – eXtra.cz

Esmeralda and other over-the-top telenovelas are completely boring compared to the love life of inconspicuous screenwriter Petr Koleček (38). When it seemed that he came to his senses and returned to Aneta Vignerová (35), it turned out that he continues to maintain a more than friendly relationship with his ex-girlfriend Denisa Nesvačilová (31). Exclusive photos from eXtra.cz from Wednesday afternoon are available in the photo gallery.

Petr Kolečko: Everything is different again

Finally we know the first winner of the challenging artistic discipline, the so-called kolkiade, i.e. running through a jet from one to another, then back and forth.

Pen master Petr Kolečko he often invents complicated love lives of various characters in his scripts. But if she presented her story to someone on TV, they’d throw it at their head, saying no one would believe such a stupid brat anyway.

He, a stocky man of about forty with an expressionless face, but probably with infinite eloquence and the ability to speak even to the most stubborn, has been running from one beautiful woman to another for four months. First he left Long-legged Aneta Vignerová and with his son Jiříček because of new feelings for red-haired actress Denise Nesvačilováspoke of a fragile love and planned a future with the fledgling.

I’m not even going back for 14 days

A few weeks ago, however, journalists from eXtra.cz caught him an intimate party again with Aneta. At home she denied it was anything but just a few days ago she announced to the world that she was indeed getting back together. Vigner was immediately the moral winner.

I appreciate that Aneta and I are finding our way back after all of this and are able to love each other. I also appreciate his courage lately. I realized that family is the most precious thing and I believe we will be a family again.” he replied for primordial Show time Petr Kolechko.

“I think he’s on the right track. After all, he’s the father of my child, we’ve been through something together. These things happen in life and sometimes it takes some concessions and maybe some time for people to realize that,” she said. reported the model on the first day of December.

But it’s true “don’t say peter until you’ve circled”. And here it is doubly true. The editorial team received warning messages from those around the artist, who the collapse of Denisa Nesvačilová it must have been just an illusion that she had hastily moved into a new secret apartment in Hostivař so that she and Petr could enjoy themselves undisturbed, and that the screenwriter had mentioned her redhead that “the thing with Aneta is just a conspiracy against her, that he wants to use her for something”.

We have no idea if those were his actual words, however, a few days ago he and the youngest of the women, according to our sources conquered the toilets in a bar in the center of Prague. And so rudely that they were fired.

I love the views in Říčany

On Wednesday, the eXtra.cz editorial team photographed them both at the book launch, where they came as godparents. Had they been sent, one of them would surely have refused participation out of courtesy to Aneta. But it didn’t happen.

The event took place in Říčany, the public did not know about it at all, according to the couple’s assumptions, the journalists were miles away, so he behaved completely casually.

“The looks were completely undressed. Love oozes from them. This was not a friendly match. Besides, they have come and gone together.” our photojournalists reported from the scene.

With a very large degree of exaggeration, the question arises: why did Petr not write the script for the film “František je devkař”?


“It’s on the right track, I’m happy about it. But you don’t have a third chance” Aneta Vignerová reported eXtra.cz ten days ago, when his hope arose. So we’ll see if he keeps his word and reacts to another betrayal this time definitively, or if Petr drags on for a long time with both …

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