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PHOTOS Marine and Océane El Himer finally bury the hatchet, fans approve

Marine and Océane El Himer seem to have buried the hatchet. They both shared a photograph on their respective Instagram accounts this Saturday, May 1. It had been months since the twins had posted pictures together.

Right now it’s the return of the program The people of Marseilles on W9. The El Himer twins both appear there, for a second time. If the shooting took place in Dubai, due to the health crisis, the two reality TV candidates did not have a long way to go, since they both decided to go and live in the city ​​popular with influencers.

Over the course of the show, viewers quickly discovered that the two sisters were cold, following confrontations during the show. Indeed, they are very often at the center of the problems as Julien Tanti would say and argue endlessly.

Double trouble

But according to their last post, the two young women are reconciled! Indeed, they created the buzz on their social networks not for their suggestive poses as usual but rather for having found each other.

On their respective Instagram accounts, this Saturday, May 1, the two pretty brunettes appear holding hands on Marine’s account or even looking into each other’s eyes on that of Océane. The ex-flirt of Benjamin Samat even adds in legend: “Love always triumphs. I love you”, while Marine expands more by writing: “To life, to death, we will continue our journey together hand in hand. I love you even when I hate you “.

The reactions of Internet users on Instagram were not lacking, proof that they appreciated the two pictures. “You are even more beautiful together”, “The most beautiful”, “Omg that makes me want to have a sister too much”, “Binoculars should never be separated but if it is for a better start …”, “We prefer you like that the binoculars” can we read among the comments left under the respective publications of Marine and Océane El Himer.

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