Home » today » World » Phoenix Eclipse December 8th, 2020 Organic SoundCloud Promotion from SUPREME {PR}

Phoenix Eclipse December 8th, 2020 Organic SoundCloud Promotion from SUPREME {PR}

Recording Artist: Phoenix Eclipse

Can you tell us something about yourself
I’m 24 years old, my name is Alijah Khalil Thomas and I love making music. I also want people to listen to music and I just like the vibe that making music brings.

What i really want …
to top results and fans.

What is your greatest source of inspiration?
To be honest, my own life and life inspires me

How has COVID affected your life as a musician?
no actually nothing.

How can fans find out more about you?
Facebook: Phoenix eclipse

Can you give us a sample of Phoenix Eclipse music?

Supreme {PR} is excited to include Phoenix Eclipse in our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. follow us on soundcloud.com/supremepr-records/ for updates.

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