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Perennial weeds and annual grasses, a difficult combo to manage

By Agrositio. 14/12/2020 | 17:12

The weed problem continues unabated in the center and north of Cordoba. According to the latest survey by the Red Agropecuaria de Vigilancia Tecnolgica (RAVIT), the individual sum of the complicated weed cover amounts to 5,600,000 hectares in the area. But the alarm lights go on when that figure is broken down: more than 30% of that area (1,591,000 hectares) has perennial weeds and another 30% has annual grasses (1,535,000 hectares). “This means that we have perennial weeds, annual grasses and broadleaf, all within the same batch”, Luis Lanfranconi alerted.

The INTA Ro Primero specialist and technician was the main speaker at the conference “Recalculating weed management”, organized by RAVIT. There he warned about the great agronomic challenge that this new advance of weeds implies and called for a break with the status quo. “We have to plan something different so as not to continue investing money just to get out and harvest the crop this year,” he remarked.

In his opinion, chemical solutions are not enough to contain the problem: “We must add knowledge and technical management experiences to go from a technology of inputs to one of processes”. Working with more competitive cultivars that can quickly cover the furrows, efficient fertilization that supports this initial aggressive development and making adjustments in density and sowing date, are some of the practices listed by Lanfranconi that have already proven their success in the management weed.

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