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PDIP Fires Cadres Suspects of Persecution of Medan Students

Medan, CNN Indonesia

Chairman of the DPD PDIP North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Rapidin Simbolon apologized for the actions of the Deputy Supervisor of the North Sumatra PDIP Cakra Buana Task Force, HSM (43) who persecute FAL (17), student of Al-Azhar High School in Medan City, North Sumatra.

“I am the chairman of the North Sumatra PDIP DPD, first I apologize for the actions or arrogance of our cadres. He is a cadre of the Cakra Buana PDIP North Sumatra Task Force,” said Rapidin, Saturday (25/12).

Rapidin said HSM’s actions could not be justified. He confirmed that he would fire HSM from the PDIP board for the action. His party immediately held an internal meeting to make a decision.

“Later, we will terminate it with disrespect. In our party, in accordance with the direction of the General Chair, Megawati Soekarnoputri, cadres are not allowed to carry out dishonorable acts,” he stressed.

HSM has been named a suspect in the persecution. He is suspected of hitting a motorbike, kicking, beating and slapping FAL (17) an Al-Azhar High School student in front of a mini market on Jalan Pintu Air IV, Kwala Bekala Village, Medan Johor District, Medan City.

The incident started when FAL was shopping at a mini market. HSM then came driving a Land Cruiser Prado. The HSM car hit the back of the FAL motorbike which was parked in the mini market.

“The victim saw that his vehicle was hit by the suspect’s car. Then the victim came out of the mini market and asked the suspect to move the car aside. Because the suspect’s car was blocking the victim’s motorbike and the victim wanted to get out,” said Medan Police Chief, Kombes Riko Sunarko.

However, HSM did not accept FAL’s words. HSM immediately persecuted the high school student. The incident was caught on CCTV camera and has gone viral on social media. The victim’s family then made a report to the Medan Police.

HSM was then arrested while hanging out with his friend at a cafe in Medan Johor District. After being named a suspect, HSM was not detained and was only obliged to report.

The PDIP cadre was charged with Article 80 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 76 C of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, which carries a minimum penalty of 3.5 years and a fine of IDR 72 million.

(fnr / fra)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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