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Pay attention to women’s health and stay away from diseases

Original title: Pay attention to women’s health and stay away from diseases

Medical staff explaining health knowledge to consultants

At present, breast cancer and cervical cancer have become the “killers” that endanger the health of modern women, and the incidence rate has shown a rising and younger trend in recent years, especially breast cancer, which has occupied the top position in the incidence of female malignant tumors in Gansu Province. It is urgent for women to increase their awareness of cancer prevention.

On the occasion of the 113th “March 8th” International Women’s Day, the reporter interviewed many experts in the province and learned that women are more likely to suffer from certain diseases due to the influence of psychological and physical factors, except breast cancer, which is a malignant disease unique to women. Diseases, cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease, and thyroid cancer have all become common health killers for women today. In addition, in recent years, the unspeakable secret of postpartum women-stress urinary incontinence caused by postpartum pelvic floor muscle damage, and the health of menopausal women have also received more and more attention.

After the age of 35 for women:

Annual breast health checkup

The mammary gland is the breast, which represents the feminine curves of women and is a symbol of women’s self-confidence. However, due to the various pressures of work and life, this feminine part is now replaced by pain, hyperplasia, and even cancer. According to the World Health Organization, one woman dies of breast cancer every minute, and one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 26 seconds.

It is reported that the susceptibility groups of breast diseases include: living in the city; 35 to 45 years old is the high incidence age; no history of marriage or childbearing or the age of first childbirth is over 30 years old; obese body; the age of menarche is less than 12 years old, or the age of menopause is later than 56 years old; history of other benign breast tumors, hyperplasia of breast tissue; family history of breast cancer; long-term multiple or one high-dose X-ray irradiation history; long-term mental depression or severe mental stimulation.

Although there is no effective treatment for advanced tumors in the medical field at present, many cancers can be cured clinically if they can be diagnosed and treated early. Among the many types of cancer, breast cancer is the most likely to be cured.

According to Yang Suisheng, Chief Physician of the Breast Department of Gansu Cancer Hospital, through screening and early treatment, the 5-year survival rate of stage 1 breast cancer exceeds 95%. Many patients can choose breast-conserving surgery, which greatly improves the quality of life. The cost of treatment will also be controlled at an average of about 10,000 yuan. It is reported that 50% to 60% of women undergoing breast cancer surgery in foreign countries can keep their breasts, while only 10% to 20% in China, because most patients do not have the conditions when they see a doctor. Yang Suisheng said that healthy women should do self-examination once a month from the age of 20, breast health examination every two years, and once a year from the age of 35.

Cervical cancer vaccine:

Early benefit from early vaccination

In August 2018, after a long wait, women in Lanzhou finally received the cervical cancer vaccine. Today, with the protection of vaccines, more and more women are greatly avoiding the risk of cervical cancer.

As we all know, cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that seriously threatens women’s health and life. Cervical cancer is currently the only cancer that can be prevented by vaccination. Since it was approved to be listed in China in 2017, it has been attracting much attention. During the visit, the reporter found that the women who received cervical cancer vaccines were concentrated in the age group of 20 to 30 years old. Most of them had better economic conditions, stable income, and a strong sense of self-care.

At present, there are imported bivalent, quadrivalent, nine-valent and domestic bivalent HPV vaccines on the domestic market, among which, the higher the “price”, the more HPV subtypes can be prevented. The reporter learned from the Gansu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention that the bivalent and quadrivalent vaccines currently on the market in China, whether imported or domestic, can protect against HPV16 and HPV18, the two most dangerous precancerous lesions, and have a high rate of prevention and control of cervical cancer risk. It can reach 84.5%; while the nine-valent vaccine can prevent cervical lesions induced by nine kinds of HPV virus infection, and the preventive effect on cervical cancer can reach more than 90%. Many female friends are obsessed with the “price”, which is unnecessary, because the important thing is to get vaccinated as soon as possible to benefit as soon as possible.

For women over the age of 45, experts said that “there is no need to be nervous”, as long as you insist on cervical cancer screening once or twice a year, it can also play a role in early prevention.

During the interview, the reporter found that there are several reasons why ordinary women pay attention to cervical cancer vaccines. One is that female members of the family, such as mothers, grandmothers, maternal grandmothers, aunts, etc., have cervical cancer; HPV infection found in cervical cancer screening.

Cervical cancer:

Screening for common gynecological tumors once a year

Cervical cancer is a common gynecological tumor. With systematic and standardized treatment, the 5-year survival rate can reach 60% to 70%. Ovarian cancer has a high degree of malignancy and is extremely prone to recurrence, with a 5-year survival rate of only 30%. Generally speaking, gynecological tumors can be detected early through physical examination. Si Tianbin, Chief Physician of the Gynecological Oncology Department of Gansu Cancer Hospital, said.

Persistent infection of high-risk HPV virus for cervical cancer is the main risk factor for cervical cancer, which is related to the cleanliness of sexual behavior. Therefore, as long as women who are sexually active should receive cervical cancer screening.

The clinical symptoms of cervical cancer include watery leucorrhea, abnormal color and smell of leucorrhea, sacral coccygeal pain, low back pain, lower abdominal pain, and bleeding after intercourse. But sometimes these symptoms are swept away and are not easy to pay attention to. Cervical cancer screening should be distributed according to age, every two years for those under 40 years old, and once a year for those over 40 years old.

Si Tianbin told reporters that in the treatment of cervical cancer, the previous surgical method was extensive hysterectomy, but now for women under the age of 35, as long as it does not affect the treatment and the condition allows, they will try their best to preserve their reproductive function. For women under the age of 45, in order to avoid the early onset of menopausal symptoms, experts will also reserve some physiological functions for the patients on the premise of not threatening life safety according to the condition.

Thyroid cancer:

Jumping fast, on-time physical examination is the key

In recent years, the incidence of thyroid cancer has increased significantly in Gansu Province.

Wang Jun, Chief Physician of Head and Neck Surgery, Gansu Cancer Hospital, told the reporter: “Thyroid nodules are very common, and about 30% to 70% of them can be found by manual examination. There are more women than men, and middle-aged and elderly people are more common than adolescents. Therefore, middle-aged women often There are quite a lot of thyroid nodules found on ultrasonography. The vast majority of thyroid nodules are benign, and only 5% to 15% are malignant. Even if they are malignant, most of them are of low malignancy.”

At present, thyroid examination has been included in medical insurance physical examination. During physical examination, 20% to 76% of women suffer from thyroid nodules. Wang Jun said that the examination methods for thyroid diseases are relatively simple, one is palpation by a doctor, and the other is B-ultrasound examination. Since there are no symptoms in the early stage of thyroid cancer, everyone is reminded to have a physical examination on time.

Menopausal women:

More attention should be paid to the maintenance of cardiovascular

Chen Yongqing, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Gansu Provincial Central Hospital, introduced that menopause is a node of cardiovascular disease in women. Before menopause, when women secrete sufficient estrogen, the elasticity of blood vessels can be better improved, which can effectively prevent various diseases. The occurrence of vascular diseases, the chances of suffering from coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis are much lower than men. After entering menopause, the secretion level of estrogen in women will decrease accordingly, so they are more vulnerable to various cardiovascular diseases, and the symptoms are also varied, and the incidence probability is much higher than that of men.

Generally speaking, around the age of 50, women’s ovarian function begins to decline, and the protective effect of estrogen weakens. Women generally enter the high-risk stage of cardiovascular disease after menopause at the age of 55. After menopause, the balance of hormones in the body is broken, and the heart and blood vessels are more vulnerable. , Once suffering from cardiovascular disease, the degree of danger is much higher than that of men. It can be said that before and after menopause is the critical period for maintaining blood vessels.

So, how should menopausal women maintain their cardiovascular system? Chen Yongqing gave four suggestions:

Actively control your diet. In terms of diet, limit calorie intake, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, pay attention to light and moderate diet, stay away from tobacco and alcohol, and drink less strong tea and strong coffee.

Get more exercise. Menopausal women should maintain moderate exercise, regular work and rest, and exercise with appropriate intensity to exert a good exercise effect, and the blood vessels around the heart will also remain healthy.

Keep a good attitude. For menopause, we must first accept it psychologically, neither fear nor despise, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, arrange work and rest reasonably, pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and reduce stress.

Check your body regularly. Cardiovascular diseases in menopausal women will become fierce. To protect the body, it is best to have regular checkups. Women before and after menopause go to the hospital at least once a year for electrocardiogram, blood pressure, blood lipids, and cardiac color Doppler ultrasound examinations. Early symptoms of cardiovascular diseases can be detected in time, and early treat.

Chen Yongqing told reporters that for the female group, estrogen is like an umbrella, escorting the normal operation of various body functions. Many women believe that after menopause they need some estrogen supplementation in order to restore its original protective effect. According to relevant studies, estrogen supplementation has no obvious protective effect on cardiovascular disease, but the incidence of tumors is significantly increased. Therefore, estrogen supplementation cannot be blindly supplemented after menopause. During menopause, it is necessary to check the hormone level so that Symptomatic treatment.

recovery treatment:

Saying Goodbye to My Mother

Not long ago, the Department of Urology of the Second Hospital of Lanzhou University successfully used the erbium laser treatment system to treat patients with stress urinary incontinence. This is the first case of using erbium laser to treat stress urinary incontinence in Northwest China.

After ten months of happy and difficult pregnancy journey, a woman became a new mother, but an inadvertent sneeze made her realize that she was leaking urine. It is reported that stress urinary incontinence occurs when sneezing, coughing, and laughing are all manifestations of pelvic floor dysfunction, mostly due to damage to the pelvic floor muscles.

Experts from the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the First Hospital of Lanzhou University introduced that the pelvic floor muscles are like a “hanging net”, and the urethra, bladder, vagina, uterus, rectum and other organs are tightly suspended by this “net”, so as to maintain their normal positions for perform its function. Once the elasticity of this “net” becomes poor and the “hanging force” is insufficient, the organs in the “net” will not be able to maintain their normal positions, resulting in corresponding dysfunction.

Accumulating evidence shows that pregnancy and childbirth are independent risk factors for FPDF (female pelvic floor dysfunction). The damage to pelvic floor nerves, muscles, and fascia during pregnancy and childbirth can lead to pelvic floor defects, which can also be called pelvic floor support tissue relaxation. When the deformation of pelvic floor tissues and the displacement of pelvic organs exceed a certain limit, pelvic floor defects occur Dysfunctional diseases.

Studies have shown that in addition to surgical treatment, rehabilitation therapy combined with pelvic floor muscle exercise is also an effective rehabilitation measure for postpartum women’s pelvic floor function problems.

Lanzhou Daily All-Media Reporter Sheng Xiaorong Liu Xiaofang Article/Photo

(Editors in charge: Jiao Long, Zhou Wanting)

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