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Panama leaves without effect the mandatory use of masks

Panamanians will be able to be without a mask in open and closed spaces starting Monday, but they will have to use them in hospital centers and public transport, despite the fact that the health authorities insist on maintaining care at a time when COVID-19 infections continue to be high. 19.

Panama thus follows the other Central American countries that eliminated the mandatory use of masks to protect themselves from infection.

The authorities had lifted the mandatory use of masks weeks before, but only in open spaces. Despite this measure and the one ordered since Monday, many Panamanians continued to use chinstraps in the streets and restaurants.

Meanwhile, the country of more than four million inhabitants registers an average of more than 1,000 cases daily, although according to the authorities the number of hospitalizations and deaths from the disease remain low. Panama, which has vaccinated more than 70% of its population with the three doses, adds more than 8,300 deaths from COVID-19.

In April, the Salvadoran health authorities announced that the use of masks would not be mandatory due to the drop in the rate of infections and a greater availability of hospital beds.

In Guatemala, its use was also eliminated, but last week it was once again mandatory in open and closed spaces due to a rebound in cases. However, people seem to resist putting them on despite the fact that seven out of 10 tests are positive or the 5,000 infections that are registered daily, according to the authorities.

In Costa Rica it ceased to be mandatory with the arrival of the government of Rodrigo Chaves on May 8, with the exception of health centers.

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