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Ortega sends the lawyer Manuel Urbina Lara to “La Modelo”

The lawyer and political prisoner Manuel Urbina Lara was transferred to the Jorge Navarro Penitentiary System in Tipitapa, after being confined for more than a year in the Waswalí prison, in Matagalpa, as reported by his relatives. Article 66.

“This morning we were notified that we had to arrive today at the” Modelo “, and it was to notify us that -Urbina Lara- had been transferred yesterday -Tuesday, May 3rd- “said one of his relatives, who preferred not to identify himself .

Related article: Jailers of the Ortega regime deny information about the political prisoner Manuel Urbina Lara

He explained that the prison authorities told him that they will be able to “visit him” until May 20, because “since he is a transferee, they adhere to the internal procedures of the prison.”

Relatives are unaware of the conditions in which the 59-year-old political prisoner is found. Urbina Lara’s relatives only suspect that he was transferred to La Modelo as a measure of retaliation for protesting with a hunger strike inside the prison.

Judge ordered the release of Lawyer Manuel Urbina Lara, but the Police deny it. Photo: Article 66

“We don’t know how Manuel (Urbina) is doing, we don’t know if he’s good or bad, it won’t be until May 20 that we can see him and we don’t know if they’ll allow us to see him, although in prison they told us he’s fine, that he is being treated, that his blood pressure is under control,” the source reported.

The lawyer and critic of the Daniel Ortega regime is still in detention, despite the fact that the Jinotega Local Criminal Judge, Diana Isabel Jarquín Valle, ordered his release in a preliminary hearing —in February 2021—, a decision that she revoked hours later.

Related news: Manuel Urbina Lara is missing, Cenidh denounces

Despite the fact that the relatives of José Antonio Rizo Castro wanted to “reach mediation” with Manuel Urbina Lara, but the Prosecutor’s Office did not allow it. The actions by the Ortega regime are described by the relatives of the political prisoner as “political revenge.”

In an interview with this communication medium, Erick Urbina, son of Manuel Urbina Lara, said that “it is clear that the judicial system of this country is on the ground and that there really is no true justice in Nicaragua.”

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