Home » today » News » Orlando winger Jonathan Isaac, the first player not to kneel during the American anthem during the NBA season, injured his knee last night …

Orlando winger Jonathan Isaac, the first player not to kneel during the American anthem during the NBA season, injured his knee last night …

Orlando winger Jonathan Isaac, the first player not to kneel during the American anthem when the NBA season resumes at Disney World, ruptured his cruciate ligaments in his left knee during the victory of the Magic vs. Sacramento (132-116). The magnetic resonance imaging passed by Isaac confirmed the feared diagnosis: “rupture of the cruciate ligaments”, his club has formalized. His season is obviously over and we should not see him again for many months. It was after a support to go up to the circle, at the start of the fourth quarter, that Isaac collapsed, immediately holding the knee. In tears, consoled by his teammates, he left the floor in a wheelchair.

“As long as we do not know, we must keep hope. But it does not look good at all,” said worried coach Steve Clifford. The blow is hard for Isaac, who made his return on the floors in this resumption of the championship, after eight months of absence due to a hyper-extension suffered in the same knee on January 1 in Washington.

He has missed 31 matches this season because of the injury. But it was not really for this return to the game that he was talked about on Friday, but for remaining standing when the Star Spangled Banner sounded, while all the other players in the match against Brooklyn had kneeled ashore to protest racial injustice in the United States. A choice that the 22-year-old African-American explained after the fact.

“I absolutely support Black Lives Matter, I just felt that getting down on my knees or wearing a t-shirt with his image was not essential to support” this movement. Everyone is made in the image of God and we are all a long way from living up to the glory of God, ”continued Isaac, a practicing Christian who sometimes preaches in a non-denominational church in Orlando.

“Each of us does things we shouldn’t do and says things we shouldn’t say, we don’t like people we shouldn’t hate … When you look around you, racism doesn’t t is not the only thing that torments our society, which torments our nation, which torments our world, ”he continued. Before concluding: “I have the feeling that our answer to this is the Gospel”.

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