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Order of Smallest to Largest Planets in the Solar System

Lots of interesting knowledge about outer space that can amaze Mama to wonder. The solar system consists of various celestial bodies, such as the sun, planets, and other celestial bodies.

This system is located in the Milky Way Galaxy or Galaxy Milky Way. The sun as the center of the solar system is surrounded by eight planets and other celestial bodies. Planets are celestial bodies that do not emit light or heat.

The planets in this solar system rotate and revolve around the sun in their respective orbits. Not only that, there are celestial bodies other than those that surround the sun, such as asteroids and meteoroids.

Popmama.com has summarized the explanation of the smallest planets along with the order of the planets from smallest to largest in the solar system. Let’s see the explanation!

The smallest planet in the solar system


The smallest planets in the solar system are Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter.

The planets that revolve around the sun in this solar system are not the same size. Despite having different sizes, all the planets in this solar system have their own orbital trajectories, so they will not collide with other planets.

1. Mercury

1. Mercury


The smallest planet in the solar system is located closest to the sun. Mercury has a diameter of 4,879 kilometers or 38% of the size of the earth.

The view of the sun from this planet will look twice as large as the appearance of the sun seen from Earth. There is no life whatsoever on this planet, because the temperature during the day reaches 427 degrees Celsius and -184 degrees Celsius at night.

2. Mars

2. Mars

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This planet is slightly larger than Mercury. The planet, which is fourth in the solar system, has a diameter of 6,779 kilometers or 53% of the size of Earth. Researchers from the United States Space Institute say that on the planet Mars, water has been found that makes life possible.

Mars gets the nickname as the red planet which has a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees Celsius during the day and 100 degrees Celsius at night. This planet also has two satellites namely Phobos and Deimos.

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3. Venus

3. Venus

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Venus is often dubbed as Earth’s twin planet, but this planet cannot be inhabited by living things. This is because Venus has an atmosphere that is 96% carbon dioxide.

This planet has a diameter of 12,104 kilometers or 95% of the size of Earth. The location of Venus is quite close to the sun and is the hottest planet with temperatures reaching 400 degrees Celsius. The planet’s atmospheric pressure is 92 times greater than Earth’s atmospheric pressure.

4. Earth

4. Earth

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Earth has a diameter of approximately 12,742 kilometers. Earth is the only planet that can be inhabited by living things.

The distance is quite far from the sun, making the Earth take longer to go around the sun when compared to Venus, which is 365.26 days. Planet which ranks fourth smallest has an atmosphere layer with oxygen content.

5. Neptune

5. Neptune


The planet Neptune has a diameter of 49,244 km or 388% of the size of Earth. Located farthest from the sun, Neptune has 17 times the mass of Earth.

The temperature on this planet can touch the number -218 degrees Celsius which makes it very cold and the warmest temperature is -200 degrees Celsius. There is no life whatsoever on this planet.

6. Uranus

6. Uranus

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The planet, which is seventh in the solar system, has a diameter of 50,724 kilometers or 400% of the size of Earth.

Uranus has a mass 14 times greater than the mass of Earth. The temperature on this planet reaches -224 degrees Celsius which makes it very cold.

7. Saturn

7. Saturn

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Saturn is the second largest planet after Jupiter with a diameter of 116,464 kilometers or 945% of the size of Earth. Most of the composition on the planet Saturn is in the form of liquids and gases that have very low densities.

Planet with the sixth order in the solar system is known as the most beautiful planet because it has rings. Although there are some planets that also have rings, none are as beautiful as Saturn’s rings.

8. Jupiter

8. Jupiter


Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system with a diameter of 139,822 kilometers or 1.120% of the size of Earth.

Jupiter, which is the largest planet, has 67 satellites with one of the largest satellites being Ganymede. Ganymede is even bigger than Mercury. This planet has 318 times the mass of Earth.

That’s the order of the planets from smallest to largest in the solar system. Mama can now explain to children about the life of the solar system by introducing celestial objects,

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