Home » today » Health » Oh! Not even more expensive, it turns out that “Sleepover Date” really does the depression: Okezone health

Oh! Not even more expensive, it turns out that “Sleepover Date” really does the depression: Okezone health

The term “date of overnight stay” has gone viral for some time and it turns out that there are several terms with the same meaning that were circulating previously. Such as “permanence” or “Friend with benefits (FWB).” All of these terms lead to a casual style of “sleeping” dating with a partner who is not yet married.

All of these terms are now starting to raise controversy among netizens. Many think that all of these terms seem to open up opportunities for normalizing free sex among young people.

Not only that, experts also argue that “overnight dates”, “stay” or “FWB” can trigger psychiatric problems in someone. Quoted by Healthline, Sunday (9/18/2022), there is a depression that appears after having sex. This is known as postcoital dysphoria (PCD). Depression can range from feelings of sadness to anxiety, agitation, anger. “Basically any bad feeling after sex that isn’t usually expected,” explains Gail Saltz, MD, professor of psychiatry at NY Presbyterian Hospital Weill.

This feeling even makes a person cry loudly for 5 minutes or 2 hours. There are several causes of PCS or depression after sex.

One is because of the feelings about the relationship one is experiencing. If it’s a one-night stand or a casual relationship, someone might feel sad if they don’t really know your partner. Maybe you feel lonely or regret the meeting and the action.

Just like the “sleepover”, it is done to people with no clear official ties. It could be that the person left because she took advantage of the partner. The most disadvantaged are usually women.

Furthermore, depression will also appear when a person is not ready to have sex, but because he gets carried away by the atmosphere and emotions for a moment, it makes him do it.

“Feeling depressed after sex could be due to the fact that you are not physically or emotionally ready to have sex,” says sexologist Robert Thomas, quoted by the same source.

This will lead to persistent guilt. Also, having sex will make someone traumatized. Even worse, he will hate himself for being considered bad and dirty.

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