Home » today » Health » NOTICE: Wednesday 16 November, 10:00, Human Rights Square: “Blood is in the hands of FIFA!”

NOTICE: Wednesday 16 November, 10:00, Human Rights Square: “Blood is in the hands of FIFA!”

Media campaign by the Austrian Socialist Youth for the imminent start of the World Cup

The fact that such a criminal state is allowed to hold a World Cup shows the perverse corruption within FIFA. One thing is clear to us: blood is on FIFA’s hands!

Paul Stich, SJ

Vienna (OTS) “The World Cup kicks off in Qatar on Sunday, and with it the most scandalous World Cup ever. Qatar is a corrupt monarchy where human rights are trampled on, women are second-class citizens and, despite the immense wealth of some clans, thousands of workers have to fight for it. The fact that such a criminal state is allowed to hold a World Cup shows the perverse corruption within FIFA. One thing is clear to us: blood is on FIFA’s hands!“, says Paul Stich, president of the Austrian Socialist Youth.

A media campaign on this topic will take place on Wednesday. Media representatives are cordially invited.

When? Wednesday 16 November, 10:00
Where is it? Human Rights Square, Mariahilfer Straße 1, 1070 Vienna

Questions and contacts:

Socialist Youth Austria
Jacob Rennhofer
Press secretary SJ
+43 664 / 541 70 80

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