Home » today » Health » Note! This Portion of Soy Food is Effective in Preventing Breast Cancer According to dr. Zaidul Akbar

Note! This Portion of Soy Food is Effective in Preventing Breast Cancer According to dr. Zaidul Akbar

JABODETABEK MEDIA – Breast cancer is one of the deadliest types of cancer.

In general, people with disease breast cancer most of them are women than men.

Launching the official website of the Ministry of Health, in 2018 the number of patients with the disease breast cancer in Indonesia has reached 136.2 per 100,000 population.

Considering that the type of cancer that most women suffer from is still a scourge in Indonesia, there’s nothing wrong with you as women starting to measure food soybeans to prevent breast cancer.

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However, this notice is not only for women who are starting to prevent breast cancer only, but it can also be for women who have been exposed to the disease and hope it doesn’t come back.

Launched the Instagram account @dr.zaidulakbar.recipe that food Whole soybeans, such as tofu and soy milk, not only provide protection against breast cancerbut also prevent recurrence in patients breast cancer.

Yes, one of the natural resources called soybeans is indeed considered to reduce the risk breast cancer in women, for women who consume it.

Not only soy milk and tofu, in fact tempeh, edamame, and miso are increasingly being proven to reduce blood sugar levels breast cancer especially among Asian women.

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